Home Study for December 17 through 22, 2012

Monday – Read John 8:23-29

Although Jesus was in human flesh, why could He say that He was “from above?”

According to verse 26, whose thoughts and words did Jesus share?

According to verse 29, who did Jesus live to please?

What example does this set for us?


Tuesday – Read I Samuel 16:1-13

By what standard had Samuel begun looking for the next king?

Why does God not judge on outward appearances but by the heart?

How will this truth change the way you think and act?

Take time to invite the Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out.


Wednesday – Read Psalm 145:1-7

Why does David praise the Lord?

Why is it critical for one generation to commend the works of God to another? 

How can you do that in these days?

Pray and ask God to give you opportunity to commend Him to the next generation.


Thursday – Read Psalm 145:8-16

How is God described here?

How does this fit with what we know about Jesus?

What does God’s faithfulness mean to you?

How will you respond?


Friday – Read Psalm 145:17-21

How is God described here?

How does this fit with what we know about Jesus?

What does God’s righteousness and justice mean to you?

How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Revelation 19:11-16

This is a New Testament prophetic description of Jesus. How do the qualities ascribed to Jesus here compare with those you saw in the Old Testament earlier this week?

What does this tell you about Jesus to come and who He should be in your life? 

How will you respond?
