Home Study for January 7 through 12, 2013

Monday – Read I Corinthians 13:1-8

What is the value of our actions if we don’t have love?

When you look at the actions of love in verses 4-8, how do they apply to giving to people in need?

Think of a time when you gave but not in love, how did you feel?

How was that different than when you gave in love?

Which will you choose to do in the future? How can you do it?


Tuesday – Read II Corinthians 8:1-9

For what is Paul commending the believers in Macedonia?

How did he describe their earthly financial condition?

How could they give so generously?

How does this passage challenge you?


Wednesday – Read Galatians 2:6-10

According to verse 10, what were Paul and Barnabas asked to do as they took the gospel to the Gentiles?

Who asked them?

Why do you suppose they were asked to do that?

Why do you suppose they were eager to do it?

What does this say to you? What will you do?


Thursday – Read Matthew 6:1-4

Notice that Jesus said, “So when you give to the needy,” not if you give to the needy. What does that say to you?

Out of the resources God has entrusted to you, what might you do to have more to share with the needy and poor?

How does this challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read Matthew 25:31-46

According to this parable, how important is it to Jesus for His people to share with the poor and those in need?

How hard is it to do most of the things Jesus mentions here?

What are some things you could begin doing this week?

Who might you visit, how might you help?


Saturday – Read Nehemiah 6:1-19

