Promotion Sunday – June 2nd   All of our kids will move up to the next class and we will recognize those who are changing departments. Following worship there will be a time of fellowship to celebrate the occasion.


Congratulations to our 2013 Graduates!   Christian Sicairos graduates from South Medford High School and Aracely Gomez Bravo received her Master’s Degree from George Fox University.



    Phil & Erica Chan were mistakenly left off our list of college graduates. They completed their studies in respiratory therapy at OIT in March 2013 and graduated with Bachelor of Science degrees. We are sorry for the oversight.


Baccalaureate Class of 2013 – Friday, June 7th

7 p.m. at North Medford Auditorium – Everyone is invited to celebrate the 2013 senior classes from North, South & Central High School. We will have students share from each school, enjoy special music, and a guest speaker. There will be refreshments following the service. If you have any questions contact Dave Gomez.


Ladies Fellowship Group

We will meet on Tuesday, June 4th, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the home of Patsy Burton.  Denise Fleming is co-hostess. All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing and caring fellowship.


FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship)

All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, in the fireside room Thursday, June 20th, at 10 a.m. This month’s story & devotional is from FSA (Friends Serving Abroad) is by Chelsea Carpenter who serves with her husband Brad in Rwanda.

“Fresh Baked Brownies for Dad” FWMF Fundraiser

Available Sunday, June 16th – the cost is donation only and available in a variety of package sizes!  All proceeds to go toward mission projects.


 MEGA Sports Camp 

Volleyball   Soccer   Cheerleading   Basketball   Flag Football   Tae Kwon Do   Track/Field

When:  Monday, June 24 – Thursday, June 27, 2013, 8:30 AM – Noon

Location:  South Medford High School,1551 Cunningham Ave, Medford, OR 97501
Cost: FREE!!!    This church-led camp uses sports to introduce elementary kids to Jesus and help them develop Godly character; open to grades 3rd – 6th.

Go to for more information and to register.  Space is limited. ($10 Donation Welcome)


Faith and Family Night with the Medford Rogues

June 25th at 6:30 pm at Harry & David Baseball Field

The baseball game will be followed by a concert by Christian recording artist Paul Wright. The cost is $8 for the game and concert. Tickets may be purchased from Dave Gomez or the church office. All tickets sold through MFC will benefit the ministries of Impact Athletics,


Medford Friends T-Shirts for Sale

Matching t-shirts can help foster a sense of team, connectedness and family, and recognizing that all three of those are worthy goals for us, the Elders have designed a Medford Friends t-shirt. The shirts are available in a variety of sizes and are just $8 each for youth small through adult XL and just $9 each for sizes above XL. To order see the display in the main hallway or contact Carla Tappero at 541-826-4933.


Thanks for your support in this year’s Camp Auction! Thank you to everyone who helped with the auction with your efforts, donations & purchases. Total proceeds are $1,860 for camp scholarships & other youth events. If you haven’t paid for the items you purchased, please do so by June 30th. If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund. Each camper is asked to contribute $20, to help cover the transportation costs. Contact the church office to confirm that your camper will be traveling via MFC’s transportation. Camp brochures are on the usher’s table in the foyer and registering for camp is made easy by going to

  • Each camper is required to provide a copy of their immunization records.
  • To save $30; please pre-register!  The following prices reflect that savings!

June 30-July 5, 2013   Girls Camp pre-registered by June 14, cost is $226. For girls entering 4th – 6th grades this fall.

July 7-13, 2013   Tween Camp pre-registered by June 21, cost is $288. For youth entering 7th-9th grades this fall.

July 14-19, 2013   Boys Camp pre-registered by June 28, cost is $226. For boys entering 4th – 6th grades this fall.

August 4-10, 2013   Surfside Camp pre-registered by July 19, cost is $288. For youth completing 8th-12th grades this spring.



Financial Report

                      May 2013          Year-to-date

Income          $13,522.76           $82,475.50

Expenses        17,268.45             89,904.86

Difference        -3,745.69              -7,429.36

Our expenses for May are in line with our budget but our giving is under what we budgeted. We are so thankful for everyone who contributes to the ministries of Medford Friends Church and we ask that everyone would be praying for God’s continued provision as we seek to serve Him.
