Homse Study for May 5 through 10, 2014

Monday – Read I John 1:5-7
How is God light?
What does it take for us to walk in fellowship with Him?
When we experience fellowship with God who else can we have fellowship with? Why does it work this way?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Proverbs 2:1-8
What is our part in knowing God’s commands?
Why is God’s wisdom like a treasure to our soul?
What does God’s wisdom do in our lives when we apply it?
What can you do to better apply God’s wisdom in your life?

Wednesday – Read Romans 15:1-7
According to verse 4, what is one reason God has recorded and preserved His word for us?
How does God use His word to give us endurance and encouragement? How does it create unity among believers?
What is God trying to teach you in these days? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Acts 1:4-8
What did Jesus tell the disciples here? Why?
What would have happened had they said, “We know what Jesus wants us to do, why wait, let’s get to it now?”
Why does God sometimes have us wait even when we know what He wants us to do? What can happen if we don’t wait?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read I Corinthians 2:9-16
How might you describe what God has planned and prepared for His people?
How can we know and follow the mind of Jesus?
In what area do you need to know the mind of Jesus? Ask Him to reveal it to you.

Saturday – Read Mark 14:43-72

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