Home Study for June 30 through July 5, 2014
Monday – Read John 14:8-12
Why could Jesus say that anyone who had seen Him had seen the Father?
By what power did Jesus do what He did?
How does this apply to us?
How does verse 12 challenge you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read John 14:13-14
According to verse 13, what should be the end result of our prayers?
Why is it important for us to bring glory to the Father?
Whenever we pray, what should our ultimate goal be?
How should this shape and impact our prayers?
Wednesday – Read John 14:15-21
Why does the Father give us the Holy Spirit?
How does the Holy Spirit allow us to live to glorify God?
What is our role when it comes to the work of the Spirit in our lives?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read John 15:1-8
How do we remain in or abide in Jesus?
Why is this important?
What can we do apart from Jesus?
How can we bear much fruit in His work?
What will you do to abide more closely with Jesus?
Friday – Read John 15:9-17
How do we remain in Jesus’ love?
If we remain in His love, whose joy do we receive?
How can we demonstrate our love?
How can we be friends of Jesus?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read I Corinthians 10:31-11:1