Annual Ladies Ornament Exchange Friday, December 4th @ 6:30 p.m.

Ladies, please join us for a celebration of Christ’s Birth. Share in the joy and laughter as we fellowship together, interact with the story of the First Christmas, and exchange ornaments.  Bring the special women in your life, a wrapped ornament, and a favorite holiday treat to share.


The Activities Committee Meeting will meet Sunday, December 6th, following Sunday School at MFC.

Our Giving Tree is located in the foyer!

Like we did last year, we are asking for a variety of gift cards that can be given to people and families in need this Christmas season and throughout the year as needs arise. You can use the envelopes on the tree or just bring in your gift cards on a Sunday morning. Cards from stores like Target, Walmart and Fred Meyer will provide the greatest options to meet a variety of needs. Thank you for your donations.


FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship)

“Thank You” for your faithful and generous support of our baked goods events, the November sales amounted to $214, which brings the 2015 year-end total support to $518. Funds raised go toward Friends Serving/Teaching Abroad as well as our local church and community. We will not meet in December. Our next meeting will be 10 a.m. on Thursday, January 21st, at the church. FWMF is open to all ladies of the church. If you are interested in attending but need a ride, contact Lena Anderson.


Movie Night

Showing:   "The Perfect Gift"

Medford Friends Church

Wednesday, December 16th

6:00 p.m. 

Join us in the Fellowship Hall!

This is a great movie for adults, middle schoolers

& okay for younger kids to see!

Free pop-corn & drink.






Sunday, December 20th,

Join us following the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service for a time of Fellowship

Please bring your favorite holiday goodie or finger food to share!

No Sunday School that day.



Christmas Eve Service  “Come as you are Family Celebration”

Please join us in the sanctuary Thursday evening, December 24th, at 5 p.m.


Thursday, December 31st, 6:30 p.m. to ??  New Year’s Eve White Elephant Gift Exchange

Welcome in the New Year!  Join us at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall for a fun time. Bring a wrapped white elephant gift for the exchange game, board games and finger foods to share. (If you plan to stay late bring extra munchie foods!)


Just a reminder!  Year-end gifts must be received at the church by Wednesday, December 29, 2015, so they can be deposited in the bank, to be reflected in your 2015 giving report. Thank you.
