Happy September! We are Excited to Announce that the All Church Potluck Sundays are Back!
Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food Sunday, September 18th! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon, Please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
MFC’s Annual School Supply Drive – Thank You for generously giving to those in need! Your giving will be a blessing to families at Howard Elementary School. The expense today, for one kindergartener’s supplies is over $50 plus school fees. We are thankful for God’s generous provision to us and for of the ways that everyone contributes to the ministries of Medford Friends.
Men’s Retreat September 16-18, 2016
Twin Rocks Friends Camp
Speaker Brad Lau, vice president for student life at GFU. See the flyer on the main bulletin board in the hall and more information on line at www.twinrocks.org
Ladies have you read the Brochure for the Women’s Fall Retreat September 30th – October 2nd at Twin Rocks? Are you interested in attending? This year’s guest speaker is Jan Geil, she will share about her experience of “Stepping in Faith” which includes serving in Ramallah. The program leaders this year are sure to leave you so refreshed, encouraged, inspired…that you will hardly notice the long drive! Please let Nadine Brood know if you need or can provide transportation. A $25 scholarship is available for 1st time attenders. Early registration deadline is Sept. 16th, after that the cost is $10 more. Brochures are available on the usher’s table in the foyer.
FWMF start up Meeting for the 2016-2017 program year is Thursday, September 15th, at 10 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC. Lunch will be served at noon. All women are welcome! The Theme this year is “Transformed By Grace.”
Also, the first baked goods event for this year will be presented to you next Sunday, September 11th, celebrating the new school year. It will be mostly of the kind of “Yummies” that perk up those bag lunches! (Brown bags provided to pack home goodies – or eat them on the spot with Sunday morning coffee!)
- The FWMF ladies are still collecting box tops for education. We forward the box tops to the Sam’s Valley Elementary school Thank you!