The Wednesday Night Bible Study that meets at MFC will resume January 11th, at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome, please join us!
Soup and Game Night Social
Invite a Friend!
Meet at MFC at 6:30 p.m. – Friday, January 13th
Everyone is invited out for an evening of fellowship! Soup will be provided. Please bring bread or a salad to accompany the soup! Be sure to bring a favorite game to play following dinner.
All Church Potluck
Please join us Sunday, January 15th, for our all church potluck! We always have a great time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship
Our regular monthly meetings resume with the January 19th meeting at 10 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC.
The meeting will conclude with lunch served at noon. In addition to the regular January “catch-up” business, Earlene Schlosser will present a brief power point year-end report received from Malawi sharing the progress of God’s work there.
Note to ladies who are not regular members of Friends Women, you are always welcome to join us for lunch fellowship (no cost). Questions? Contact Nadine Brood 541-585-1722.
It’s time to update our birthday file and directory information.
If you are new to MFC within the last year we would like to have the birth dates of those in your family. Please list the month & day on the back of your Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin. (Adults are not required to list the year, however it is helpful for children!)
It’s also time to update our MFC directory…if you have moved or have new phone numbers or a new email address please fill out the top of the Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.
Thank You from Jesse Davis, the Wilson, Garrett and Taylor families for the cards and gifts and the cash gifts shared with us throughout the Christmas season. We are thankful for God’s generous provision to us and for the ways that everyone contributes to the ministries of Medford Friends. It is a joy to serve Jesus with all of you, our church family.