In Celebration of our Risen Savior
Good Friday Service – April 14th at 6:30 p.m.
The service will feature reflection, repentance, communion with the elements, and a time of open worship.
Easter Sunday Schedule – April 16
9 a.m. A time of fellowship – Continental Breakfast
10 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary, including our kids sharing.
No Bible studies or Sunday school classes that day.
Following worship Christian Ed will host an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids!
This year’s EFM 2017 Easter Offering will go towards Evangelism in Mexico City, to be taken Easter Sunday.
Please be in prayer about the opportunity to share in this offering.
MFC IS GOING GREEN!! Starting Sunday, April 2nd, we will be recycling unwanted and unused bulletins. Please put the portion of your bulletin and/or inserts you don't want in the recycle bin located by the door to the hallway and it will be recycled.
FWMF Meeting for April
All ladies are welcome to join us at Medford Friends Church Thursday, April 20th, at 10:30 a.m. for our Friends Women Missionary Fellowship meeting. Following the meeting we will have lunch at Wendy’s.
Annual Spring Fellowship & Mission Rally – Saturday, April 22nd, at Talent Friends Church
Start time is 10:30 a.m. lunch served after the session.
The rally is sponsored by the Friends Women organization, and is intended for the whole congregation as an opportunity to be informed, express support and encouragement to our missionaries, as well as to one another, as we join for the fellowship of encouragement in our common concerns for helping spread the good news of the gospel. We always have a refreshing time, don’t miss it! Mark your calendar.
Guest speakers: Russ & Sarah Badgley who are preparing to go to the jungle area of Ecuador for their first full year among the Shuar people. Also Ken & Tonya Comfort, who served in Peru for 15 years with NWYM. Ken led the team organized by EFM in corporation with the Peruvian Friends yearly meeting, which went into Ecuador as part of the discerning process which led to the opening of the work where Badgleys are to serve.
Spring Rally Offering project: Blankets, bicycles and goats for Nepal. The goal would be around $1,200.00.
Help our kids go to Twin Rocks Friends Camp!
MFC’s Silent Camp Auction will be May 17th. Items such as baked goods, handmade items, antiques, collectibles and company donations have sold well in the past. There is plenty of time to get creative. We are looking forward to a great evening of fun fellowship and raising funds for camp scholarships for our youth.
We are excited to announce that Terry DuLong has agreed to coordinate dinner that evening with all proceeds going towards our Camp Fund. Watch for more information!
Camp Brochures for this year’s camps are on the table in the foyer.