Looking Ahead!  When Grace Happens is the theme for 2017 NWYM sessions, July 23rd through 26th. Registration is now open! Early bird discount ends June 30th.  To register please visit: www.nwfriends.org.


Ice-Cream Social and Game Night – at MFC, Friday, June 2nd

Invite friends and join us at 6:30 p.m.

The Activities Committee will provide the Ice-Cream! Please bring a favorite ice-cream topping to share and table games to play. We look forward to a great time of fellowship.


Sunday, June 11th is Promotion Sunday

All our kids will move up to the next class and we will recognize those who are changing departments. We will have donuts and juice during the fellowship time between church and Sunday School.


Friends Women Missionary Fellowship – Meeting for June All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC Thursday, June 15th, at 10:30 a.m. A buffet lunch follows the meeting.


FWMF announces that its 3rd annual Delectable Delicacies for Dad’s Day (or other significant person) will be available between worship & S.S. Sunday June 18th with a sweet or not so sweet treat: brownies, cupcakes/muffins with a special message, soft pretzels, artisan bread & coffee bread and a variety  of cookies etc.  Cost by donation. When you participate in FWMF bake sales funds go towards support of NWYM Friends Serving Abroad and local outreach ministries such as Child Evangelism Fellowship.


It’s time to sign up for summer camp at Twin Rocks Friends Camp!  Brochures are available on the table in the foyer (or visit www.twinrocks.org).

Girls Camp: July 2-7 – Discounted price $305, register before June 14th girls entering 4th-6th grades this fall

Tween Camp: July 9-15 – Discounted price $325, register before June 21st those entering 7th-9th grades

Boys Camp: July 16-21 – Discounted price $305, register before June 28th boys entering 4th-6th grades

Surfside Camp: August 6-12 – Discounted price $325, register before July 19th those 8th – 12th grades this spring

If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund and be sure to register early for the best price for your camp.


Pizza and Video Games – Sunday, June 25th  – Outing to Astral Games, starting with Pizza! We will meet at Medford Friends Church @ 11 a.m. and have pizza and drinks, then head to Astral Games by noon.  Cost is $5 each and each participant needs to have a current parental/guardian permission slip on file.  If you have not completed one or have changes, please see Patsy Burton or Drew Krupp for a form. We will return to MFC at 3 p.m.


Ashley Krupp Baby Shower – Ladies, come celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby boy Krupp.  We will gather on

Saturday, July 1st @ 11 a.m. – Brunch will be served. Ashley is registered at Target. Join us for this fun celebration of the gift of new life from our Lord. If you have questions, see Patsy Burton or call 541-941-4800.
