Jesus Loves Me Valentines Dessert  –  Everyone is Invited!

Friday, February 12th, 7 p.m. at MFC

Put on your best attire February 12th, and join us in the fellowship hall for a special evening of games, music and fun! If you haven’t signed up yet be sure to Circle “V” on the Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and place it in the offering or drop box on the table in the foyer.



Sweet Treats for Everyone!

Friends Women Fellowship Group will hold their Valentine’s Day Baked Goods Event

on Sunday, February 14th!

The ladies will have tables set up in the fellowship hall during the fellowship time following worship and before Sunday School.  One table will have Valentine’s Goodies for cost by donation.  A 2nd special table with Other Goodies will be marked! The proceeds will help provide for some special felt needs of our Friends Serving Abroad.

FWMF Meeting We will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 18th, at the home of Phebe McManama.  A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting. All ladies are welcome.

Looking Ahead!  FWMF tentative date for this year’s Spring Rally, to be held at Medford Friends will be Saturday, April 23, 2016.


 Sunday, February 21, 2016  –  All Church Potluck

Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food! Please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share. We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon.


Did you know that Marlon Campos, has been volunteering at a summer camp, in Panama. He has been here since January 2nd and leaves the 8th of February. This is through the YMCA. We look forward to Marlon sharing about his experience there when he returns.


Richard Anderson’s Eagle Project  –  He will be building and installing a “Little Free Library” here at Medford Friends on the side of the church near the community garden.

A Big Thank You to Everyone who has so generously donated books for this project. More books are needed, to keep the library full until the books start to circulate. Please donate books for all ages in the donation box in the hallway. If you would like to donate funds for building materials and the library registration, please designate your gift “Eagle Project” and place it in the offering.  For more information please contact Richard 541-646-5599.
