Home Study for November 5 through 10, 2012
Monday – Read James 1:19-26
Why are we called to be slow to anger and slow to speak?
What do we receive when we both know and do God’s word?
What does this tell us about the importance of studying and knowing God’s word?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read James 4:13-17
Why does living by our own plan have so little lasting impact?
How does James describe our efforts to direct our own lives?
Do you think that’s true?
How can we be sure that we know and are following God’s will?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Matthew 14:22-33
Why could Peter walk on water?
Why did he start to sink? How does that apply to us?
What has Jesus called you to do?
What will allow you to do that for Him?
Thursday – Read acts 13:1-5
How did the believers here discern God’s will?
How did they respond to His leading?
In whose power did Saul/Paul and Barnabas minister?
When we seek and follow God’s will, in whose power may we minster and live?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read Matthew 22:15-22
What is Jesus saying to you through these verses?
What in your life belongs to God?
Have you given it to Him?
What does God want to do through your life in these days?
Is there anything you need to give to God today?
Saturday – Read Nehemiah 3:1-32