Home Study for January 28 through February 2, 2013

Home Study

Monday – Read Genesis 17:1-8
Abram’s name was changed because of a covenant (agreement or promise) God made with him.
What promise did God make to Abram?
What promises has God made to you?
What can you do to partner with God to make those promises a reality?

Tuesday – Read John 10:1-5
How well does the good shepherd know his sheep?
What does this tell us about how well Jesus knows us?
What does this say about how Jesus cares for our needs?
What do you need Jesus to do in or through your life today?
Invite Him to work in and through you.

Wednesday – Read Colossians 3:12-17
In whose name are we called to do all things?
What does that mean?
According to this passage, how can we live in His name?

Thursday – Read Proverbs 22:1-4
Why is a good name (reputation) better than money?
According to verses 2-4, how can we live to earn a good name?
How does our good name bring glory to God?
What is this passage saying to you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Revelation 20:11-15
This is the most important reference to our name in all creation.
What is the one place we want to be sure our name is written?
How can we be sure that it is recorded there?
What in the world is more important than this?
How should this truth impact our lives?

Saturday – Read Nehemiah 8:1-8

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