“My Hope with Billy Graham”
Broadcast Information
The Dove will be airing multiple days/times: Thursday, Nov. 7 @ 8:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 8 @ 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 10 @ 7 p.m. at Charter Cable Ch18, Ashland Home Net Ch 97, UHF Ch 44, or streaming on the web @ www.thedove.us. The program will also be aired during the Focus Today program on the Dove, at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 7 with a follow-up discussion. Pastors Mark and Dave also have DVD copies which you can borrow to show/view on your schedule.
Thursday Night Home Study to Begin November 7th, Stan & Earlene Schlosser invite you to join them at 6 p.m. each Thursday evening, for a soup & bread meal and discussion group reading through Richard Foster’s Devotional Classics.
All Church Workday – 9 a.m. Saturday, November 9th
Everyone is invited to join us as we tackle some projects that need to be taken care of at MFC. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor jobs to be completed.
Operation Christmas Child “Good News. Great Joy.”
Share God’s love and the Joy of Christmas by packing a gift-filled shoe box for a child overseas. Your simple gift can make an eternal difference. There are still a few preprinted decorative shoe boxes available on the table display in the hallway, any standard size shoebox or 6-Quart plastic shoebox will do. Information and suggested gifts for the boxes are available on the table in the hallway. Please remember filled Shoe boxes and $7.00 per shoe box to help with shipping & other expenses need to be dropped off at the church by Wednesday November 13th so we can get them to the drop off point on time.
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner – Sunday, November 17th at 12 noon
Join us Sunday, November 17th, following the Sunday School & Bible study hour for our all church potluck with a Thanksgiving theme! Turkey & ham will be provided. Please bring generous side dishes & desserts that compliment a festive holiday dinner.
Change in Touchstone Delivery
Due to changing postal requirements and our mailing list, after the first of the year we will no longer be mailing the Touchstone newsletter as we have been doing for years.
The Touchstone is currently posted in its entirety, including an updated calendar, on our church website, www.medfordfriendschurch.org. If you would be content reading the Touchstone on line please let our secretary Terry Wilson know by emailing her at terry@medfordfriendschurch.org and in the subject line write Touchstone.
We will also make available on the table in the foyer a number of copies of the Touchstone in printed form for people to pick up after the first of each month. And for those people for whom those methods do not work we can mail it to you. If you need us to mail you a copy please let Terry know by sending an email, a note in the mail, a note on Sunday morning or by calling her at the church office, 541-772-6926. Thank you for your help and patience while we make this change.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Harvest Carnival at Howard School. We were able to shine the love of Jesus for hundreds of people to see. Please be praying for God to touch the hearts of everyone we were able to minister to.
Ladies Fellowship Meeting The ladies are meeting at MFC on Saturday, November 23rd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to bake cookies for Hearts With a Mission, followed with a soup lunch.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, November 21th at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
FWMF ladies will have baked goods for sale for your holiday enjoyment after church on Sunday, Nov. 24th. If you would like a home baked pie prepared for you let Nadine Brood know by Nov. 17th (pumpkin, apple or cherry $5 each).
The Talent Friends Women will hold their Annual Christmas Bazaar & Soup Lunch ($5) on Saturday, November 9th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Angelo’s Pizza – Jr. & Sr. High School Youth
Monday, November 4th @ 5:30 p.m.
Watch Monday Night Football – Play Video Games, Eat Pizza
Financial Report
October 2013 Year-to-date
Income $20,117.09 $169,146.98
Expenses 17,519.79 177,045.63
Difference 2,597.30 -7,898.65
We are thankful for all of the financial gifts that have helped us to make up ground on our earlier deficit. We are also thankful for everyone who gives to, works in and prays for the ministries of Medford Friends. God is able to use us to touch others with His love and truth as we live, work and pray together.