Home Study for September 8 through 13, 2014

Monday – Read Matthew 22:15-22
Why do you suppose the Pharisees thought they could trap Jesus by their question?
How did Jesus surprise them?
Do you find Jesus’ answer to still be surprising today?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Daniel 2:19-21 and 4:17
Who gives sets up kings and deposes them?
Why is it important to understand this truth?
How should this impact our thoughts and actions?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Romans 13:1-7
Does anything in this passage surprise you? Why?
What is the most challenging part of this passage for you?
How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Isaiah 55:6-11
Why is it important to understand that God doesn’t think or view the events of humans like we do?
As you consider the world today, how does this truth challenge you?
What hope does it give you?
How will you respond?

Friday – Read I Timothy 2:1-4
Why is it important to pray for our leaders and government?
How might this be a testimony of what Jesus has done in us?
How might it be a means of proclaiming the gospel?
What do you find most challenging in this passage?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read II Chronicles 20:1-23

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