Home Study for September 29 through October 4, 2014
Monday – Read Psalm 25:4-7
What words are used to describe God’s love in this passage?
Is this the same love that He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?
Tuesday – Read Psalm 31:16, 36:7-9 and 63:3
What words are used to describe God’s love in these verses?
Is this the same love that He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?
Wednesday – Read Jeremiah 31:3 and 33:11
How is God’s love described in these verses?
Is this the same love He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?
Thursday – Read Romans 5:1-8
What is the greatest evidence of His love that has God given us?
How does it make you feel to know that God loves you that much?
How can such a love help you to overcome anything you may face?
How will you respond to God’s love?
Friday – Read I John 3:1 and 4:18
What does it mean that God “has lavished” His love on us?
How does it make you feel to know that God loves you that much?
Who can love with “perfect love?”
Why does receiving that love drive out fear?
What fear do you need God to drive out of your life in these days?
Invite Him to work in you.
Saturday – Read Galatians 5:22-23