Operation Christmas Child

Sunday, October 9, 2011,  at 6 p.m. Join us at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2000 Oakwood Drive, Medford,  for an opportunity to hear the amazing story of Perry Cartera, a small woman who has a big heart for children’s ministry!

Perry Cartera works full time at the Philippines Bible Society, but also does work building teams and training for the Box-to-Evangelist Operation Christmas Child program in Philippines and Indonesia. Perry began her journey with OCC as the discipleship coordinator for the National Leadership Team in Philippines and currently serves as an OCC International Field Representative, which allows her to spread her passion and experience to other countries.  Perry is married to Mel Cartera. He pastors a church and works part-time as translator at the Philippine Bible Society. God did not give Mel and Perry any biological children. But through OCC they have thousands of children, not only in their own church where Mel implemented The Greatest Journey (TGJ) program, but also throughout the country. God has a prupose –we are His servants. All praises and glory to God alone!  Romans 10:14-15
