News February 04, 2019

What are Your Favorite Hymns and Choruses?

The activities committee is planning an event for Saturday, March 16th. More information will be shared about this in the near future but for right now we need your help. Please let us know what worship songs, hymns and choruses you like to sing. You can write them on the Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and turn them in with the offering. We will be collecting these through Sunday, February 24th. Thank you!

Sweet Things to Delight Your Taste Buds and Warm Your Heart!

Friends Women Missionary Fellowship group will hold their Valentine’s Baked Goods Event on Sunday, February 10th.  Look for them in the fellowship hall!  All donations support mission projects.

FWMF Ladies, our next meeting will be Thursday, February 21st, at 10:30 a.m. at MFC with a buffet lunch following the meeting. All ladies are welcome.

Sunday, February 17th  –All Church PotluckPlease join us for a time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Please bring a main dish & salad, vegetable or dessert to share.

Join Pastor Jesse for lunch!

Sunday, February 24th @ 12:30 at the Parsonage Pastor Jesse will be hosting a lunch and providing the main dish. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer if you are interested in joining him this month. Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share with the group.

Medford Friends Movie Night, Saturday, Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m.

Join us at MFC for fun and watch the Incredibles 2 Movie. There will be popcorn & root beer floats. Kids, parents, grandparents & friends are welcome! Pajamas are Appropriate Attire. If you have questions contact Drew Krupp.

Area Meeting February 27th at 6 pm

Wednesday February 27th at 6 p.m. Medford Friends Church will be hosting the Southern Oregon Area Meeting for Northwest Yearly Meeting. We will be welcoming Jim Le Shana, Brad Holton, and Debbie Harrison as they speak to us about what is going on in the Yearly Meeting after the restructure which took place last summer. Please come and meet Jim Le Shana who is our new Superintendent and hear what the vision for the future of the Yearly Meeting is!


Make Straight the Way of the Lord

We are going to be working our way through the Gospel of John for a little while. If you are interested in taking a closer look at what we are studying on Sundays please read through the Gospel and be praying for God to illuminate it to you. Also, I am going to be looking at A.W. Tozer’s “And He Dwelt Among Us” so if you enjoy reading and want to follow along as we study please pick up a copy. Along with that, text Bible.Org has some good resources that help in our study of Scripture so be sure to check those out!

I am praying that God’s powerful truth would cause us to long for more of Him daily.


January 02, 2019 Update

The Stewards will meet Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 6 p.m. On the agenda will be approving a budget proposal and setting some dates for the kitchen work.

FWMF Ladies, our next meeting will be Thursday, January 17, 10:30 a.m. at MFC with a buffet lunch following the meeting. All ladies are welcome.

Mark Your Calendars! Sunday, January 20, 2019 for our All Church Potluck  Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Please bring a main dish & salad, vegetable or dessert to share.

The Home Study that meets at Marilyn Johnston’s will meet Monday, January 7th and 12th, then take a break until after April 15th, 2019 tax season.

Join Pastor Jesse for lunch! January 27th @ 12:30 at the Parsonage Pastor Jesse will be hosting a lunch. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer if you are interested in joining him this month.

It’ time to update our birthday file and directory information. If you are new to MFC within the last year we would like to have the birth dates of those in your family. Please list the month & day on the back of your Information Sheet. (Adults are not required to list the year, however it is helpful for children!)

It’s also time to update our MFC directory…if you have moved or have new phone numbers or a new email address please fill out the top of the Information Sheet and place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.



As we step into the New Year I am excited and nervous. The Lord is doing good things and changing life up in some beautiful and painful ways for us here at Medford Friends Church. We have an opportunity to step into some new relationships and find ourselves connecting in new ways with God through them. I look forward to the ways in which we seek these things together and how God will continue to show His love and favor to us as we step into these new things. But the saying goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” So even as we step into these new things we continue to be faithful to God and seek to worship Him day by day, to point to Jesus in all that we do. Even when the world changes and things seem like they won’t ever be the same for us that truth remains: God loves us and is shaping our lives to reflect that love to the world!
