October 01, 2019 Update

Friends Women (Missionary) Fellowship will meet at MFC on Thursday, October 17th at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will follow the meeting. All women are welcome.


Everyone is invited to join us Saturday, October 19th, 9 a.m. to Noon Our Stewards will have a job list soon! Many hands will make the work load lighter.

MFC Celebrating 77 Years – Sunday, October 20th

All Church Potluck

Please join us for a time of celebration, fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish and a salad or vegetable to share. Dessert will be provided.



“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” – John 9:1-5

This passage from John is the beginning of a story that takes a whole chapter. Jesus runs into a man who was blind from birth and is asked a question by his disciples. Jesus’ response is one that speaks to purpose for our suffering and the suffering of those around us, so that God’s work can be shown in us. Christ encourages his disciples to do the work to which they are called while they can. This month as we move into John 9 this month please be thinking about the ways that God has called you to work in the world. What people are you passing by? How might you offer light to those in darkness? What areas of your own life need to have Jesus’ healing touch?


August 29, 2019 Update

Missions Support Baked Goods Event

Sunday, September 8th, Between Services

This is the first of four annual bake events offered by our Friends Women group to help support the special global and local projects of the NWYM of Friends Women Organization.

Everence Webinar Tuesday, September 10th

The New Rules of MoneyNavigate the new economy like a pro!

Everence will host this informative webinar Tuesday, September 10th at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. PST. Participants will learn about new resources to manage debt, about the impact of credit scoring, and how to avoid those ever-changing scams. For more information, or to register visit www.everence.com/national or contact Melissa Short at 800-348-7468 ext. 3392 or melissa.short@ everence.com.

David Thomas, Retired EFM Missionary to Rwanda

Sharing on Sunday, September 15th

David will be sharing during the worship hour and there will be a discussion, Q & A opportunity during the Sunday School hour for those interested in learning more from David and their experiences. During the 20 years he and his wife Debby ministered in Rwanda they were instrumental in the successful implementation of the Discipling for Development program. They retired from the Rwanda assignment in 2016. David now serves as a mentor to missionaries & national leaders, forging a ministry focused on planting wholistic disciple-making movements. He has felt God’s call to this new work, which capitalizes on his Rwandan and D for D experiences. David and family reside in Newberg, OR. Debby is on faculty at George Fox University. David is the son of long-time NWYM missionaries to South America, Hal & Nancy Thomas.

All Church Potluck – And Birthday Celebration Sunday, September 15th

We always have a great time of fellowship and good food! Please join us, we’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon.  Please bring your favorite potluck main dish and a salad or vegetable.  It’s not necessary to bring a dessert as we will be celebrating Jack Hamilton’s 80th Birthday and cake will be provided!

Friends Women (Missionary) Fellowship

Ladies, reminder that our first meeting of the 2019-2020 program year is Thursday, September 19th at 10:30 a.m. at MFC, room to be determined. And before that remember our Back to School Baked Event is Sunday, September 8th.  

Remember this year’s Fall Retreats

Idaho Women’s Retreat – September 13 -15, 2019 “Braver” with speaker Beth Banham

Twin Rocks Women’s Retreat – September 27- 29, 2019 “Beyond Fear” with speaker Beth Banham

Beth, born to missionary family in Ethiopia now pastors with her husband Dan at City’s Edge Community Church in Beaverton.

Men’s Retreat at Twin Rocks September 13-15 Speaker Jim LeShana & worship music led by Dan Banham.

Talent Friends Women Invite you to take advantage of their Fall Plant Sale at Talent Friends Church Saturday September 21st, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and their annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 2nd, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a soup & pie lunch beginning at 11 a.m.


Seeking Peace

As we go into this fall we are experiencing the changes around us. School is starting back up, we have a change of rhythm, and the weather is beginning to shift. Seasonal changes can feel tumultuous. They are often times of stress and frustration, but they are also times of growth and opportunity. They can be a time for us to set some new goals and experience some new things or follow through on some things we have been meaning to!

One of the goals I have this fall is to spend some time in our community. I have started by spending Tuesday afternoons at the Starbucks near the church. Most of the time I just read. The last couple of weeks I have been sitting with a couple of older men in the comfy chairs in the corner of the building and we have had some really good conversation. Talking about the changes they are dealing with and how that has been a difficult thing. I am hoping that in our conversations the Lord is helping me function as an agent of peace in their lives. As you go about your life in this season how might God be inviting you to something new? What places do you need to seek peace for yourself and others?
