Rich Swingle Sharing in Worship on March 12
Rich Swingle grew up at Medford Friends Church and now lives in New York City and travels the world ministering for Christ through drama; writing, acting in plays and movies and teaching. During worship on March 12th, Rich will be performing the one man play he wrote entitled The Acts. The Acts brings to life the miracles and wonder of the first century church as God empowered His people through the Holy Spirit. The story is told from the perspective of a man who spies on the followers of Jesus for Saul. As he reports back their actions and beliefs he begins to realize they are following more than just stories.
The Acts is a powerful presentation of how God worked in the early church and how He desires to work in and through His people today and you won’t want to miss it.
FWMF Meeting for March The ladies will meet at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 16th at the home of Phebe McManama. There will be a buffet luncheon following the meeting. All ladies are welcome to attend.
Looking ahead, FWMF date for this year’s Spring Rally, to be held at Talent Friends will be Saturday, April 22.
All Church Potluck Sunday March 19th Join us for a time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon, please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Everence® informative webinar in March
Basics of investing: Tuesday, March 21 (2 or 8 p.m.)
In this webinar, we’ll discuss how investing can help you meet your financial goals, go over different types of investments and help you determine your appropriate level of risk. We’ll also cover how to get started and address your questions. Presented by Dennis LeFevre*, CFP®, Trust and Financial Advisor.
For more information or to register, contact Melissa Short at (800) 222-5054 or; or visit (All times Eastern Daylight Time.)
From the Christian Ed Committee:
We will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 16th. Your donations of bags of individually wrapped candy are welcome and much appreciated for this fun event and can be brought to the church any time.
Help our kids go to Twin Rocks Friends Camp!
This year’s Silent Camp Auction will be May 17th. Items such as baked goods, handmade items, antiques, collectibles and company donations have sold well in the past. There is plenty of time to get creative. We are looking forward to a great evening of fun fellowship and raising funds for camp scholarships for our youth.
February 12, 2017 there will be a Business Meeting to consider the proposed budget. We will meet in the sanctuary after the worship service with Sunday School to follow.
Sweet Treats for Everyone! The Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group will also hold their Valentine’s Baked Goods Event on Sunday, February 12th, with all donations supporting mission projects. Look for their table set up in the fellowship hall!
FWMF Meeting for February will be held 10 a.m. Thursday, February 16th at MFC instead of Phebe McManama’s. There will be a buffet luncheon following the meeting. All ladies are welcome to attend.
Cadds to Share on February 19th in Worship
We are delighted to have Jon and Cher Cadd with Missionary Aviation Fellowship join us on February 19th, sharing an update on their continued ministry with MAF in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They will share more and will take time for questions and answers at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. Jon and Cher and their family left Medford Friends in the 1980s to begin their ministry with MAF.
February’s All Church Potluck at 12 noon that same day! Join us in the fellowship hall for good food and fellowship! Please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
A Matter of Perspective Movie Premiere
Rich Swingle shared about this upcoming film when he was here at MFC last June! We are invited to Trinity Presbyterian Church 100 Windsor Ave., Medford on Saturday, February 18th at 7 p.m. for the premiere of A Matter of Perspective in which Rich plays a middle-aged Christian who has drifted from his faith. The film has some beautiful footage of Southern Oregon and surrounding area. Other short films will also be shared including a special behind the scenes for A Matter of Perspective.
Sunday, Feb. 26th – Pizza & Bowling
Medford Friends Kids Grades 1st – 6th – Fun Day on Sunday!
We will be going to bowl after having a pizza lunch at church. Arrive at church by 11 a.m. and bring $5 for bowling. To participate, all kids will need permissions slips signed by parents or guardians. If you have turned in one for a previous event, we only need a new one if the information has changed. We will return to MFC at 2 p.m. Contact Drew Krupp or Patsy Burton for more information.
Celebrate all that God is doing through Operation Christmas Child!
Friday, February 10th at 7 p.m. at Medford First Church of the Nazarene,1974 E. McAndrews Road. You are welcome to come and hear the testimony from a shoebox recipient about the impact of a simple gift. Be inspired by the true stories of Operation Christmas Child and learn area and national totals and where our boxes went. RSVP to Rhonda Sloan at 541-891-7431.
Everence® to present informative webinars February 20th & 21st
Budget basics and beyond: Monday, Feb. 20 – 2 or 8 p.m. In this webinar, designed for pastors, church leaders and others interested in church budgets, we’ll discuss what congregations can do to get people excited about giving, what a church budget should do and the four basic church budget models. Presented by Beryl M. Jantzi, Stewardship Education Director.
Women and Money: Tuesday, Feb. 21 – 2 or 8 p.m. Designed for women of all ages, this educational webinar addresses the specific financial hurdles faced by women, preparing financially for the future, plus quick, easy ways to launch an investment plan. Presented by Shari Beck*, Financial Advisor and Rhoda Blough, Stewardship Consultant.
For more information or to register, contact Melissa Short at (800) 222-5054 or; or visit (All times Eastern Daylight Time.)
The Wednesday Night Bible Study that meets at MFC will resume January 11th, at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome, please join us!
Soup and Game Night Social
Invite a Friend!
Meet at MFC at 6:30 p.m. – Friday, January 13th
Everyone is invited out for an evening of fellowship! Soup will be provided. Please bring bread or a salad to accompany the soup! Be sure to bring a favorite game to play following dinner.
All Church Potluck
Please join us Sunday, January 15th, for our all church potluck! We always have a great time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship
Our regular monthly meetings resume with the January 19th meeting at 10 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC.
The meeting will conclude with lunch served at noon. In addition to the regular January “catch-up” business, Earlene Schlosser will present a brief power point year-end report received from Malawi sharing the progress of God’s work there.
Note to ladies who are not regular members of Friends Women, you are always welcome to join us for lunch fellowship (no cost). Questions? Contact Nadine Brood 541-585-1722.
It’s time to update our birthday file and directory information.
If you are new to MFC within the last year we would like to have the birth dates of those in your family. Please list the month & day on the back of your Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin. (Adults are not required to list the year, however it is helpful for children!)
It’s also time to update our MFC directory…if you have moved or have new phone numbers or a new email address please fill out the top of the Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.
Thank You from Jesse Davis, the Wilson, Garrett and Taylor families for the cards and gifts and the cash gifts shared with us throughout the Christmas season. We are thankful for God’s generous provision to us and for the ways that everyone contributes to the ministries of Medford Friends. It is a joy to serve Jesus with all of you, our church family.
Christmas Eve Service Please join us in the sanctuary Saturday, December 24th at 5 p.m. for our traditional “Come As You Are” family celebration.
Christmas Day We will meet for worship at 10 a.m. with no Sunday School or Prayer Meeting that day. We will have an opportunity for kids to come forward and share a Christmas gift they have received! The church office will be closed on Monday, December 26th.
In Lieu of the Giving Tree and gift cards we have done in the past, this year we ask that you consider giving a donation for an item in the EFM Offering Christmas Catalog (copies can be found on the usher’s table in the foyer) or a local charity organization. As the Lord leads you share a gift, thank you.
New Year’s Eve White Elephant Gift Exchange
Welcome in the New Year! Everyone is invited to join us at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall for a fun time. Bring a wrapped white elephant gift for the exchange game, board games and finger foods to share. (If you plan to stay late bring extra munchie foods!)
We will take a break from Wednesday Night Bible Study for the month of December. We will resume meeting January 11th.
Annual Ladies Ornament Exchange Friday, December 2nd @ 6:30 p.m.
Ladies, please join us for a celebration of Christ’s Birth. Share in the joy and laughter as we fellowship together, interact with the story of the First Christmas, and exchange ornaments. Bring a wrapped ornament, and a favorite holiday treat to share.
The Anderson family invites our Medford Friends family to attend Richard Anderson's Eagle Court of Honor on Saturday, December 17th at 2:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. A reception will follow. Thank you so much for your support of our sons in scouting for so many years.
Sunday, December 18th, as we celebrate the Christmas season our pre-school and kindergarten class will share in music during the worship service “Little Drummer Boy.” Following the service please join us for a time of fellowship, bring your favorite holiday goodie or finger food to share. Sunday School will follow. No Prayer Meeting that night.
Please be praying for Stan Schlosser and the medical missions team he is serving with in the Philippines. They will be doing optical exams and fitting people with glasses.
It’s time to update our birthday file and directory information. If you are new to MFC within the last year we would like to have the birth dates of those in your family. Please list the month & day on the back of your Information Sheet. (Adults are not required to list the year, however it is helpful for children!)
It’s also time to update our MFC directory…
if you have moved or have new phone numbers or a new email address please fill out the top of the Information Sheet and place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.