October 31, 2019 Update
Be sure to set you clocks back 1-hour Saturday night, November 2nd Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday, November 3rd
Mark Your Calendars – Sunday, November 17th
“The River” will be our guests for worship in music. If you haven’t heard them, come be blessed by this group. They are a Celtic worship band with a unique sound of bluegrass, country and contemporary intricate harmonies to the Celtic base that creates a freshness from song to song.
Count Your Blessings – All Church Thanksgiving Potluck
Sunday, November 17th
Please join us for the all church potluck! November brings a Thanksgiving theme so come with grateful hearts to celebrate our many blessings with church family. We will meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Bring generous side dishes and desserts that compliment a festive holiday dinner! Turkey and ham will be provided.
Friends Women Fellowship will meet at MFC on Thursday, November 21st at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room. Lunch will follow the meeting. All ladies, you’re welcome to join us for the meeting and lunch or lunch only! Our program topic this year is the involvement of Quaker women in educators and racial issues during the Civil War and reconstruction period that followed.
Friends Women Fellowship Pre-Thanksgiving/Christmas Bake Sale and “Mini Bazaar”
Between the Worship Service & Sunday School hour on Sunday, November 24th Friends Women Fellowship group will present their Annual Bake Sale and “Mini Bazaar” in support of NWYM Friends Women’s Fellowship Outreach efforts. You can expect a variety of baked goods for your holiday enjoyment: cookies, cakes, a variety of breads, pies, candy etc. Prices by donation.
The Friends Women’s organization supports on four fronts efforts to send the salvation gospel through the world: NWYM local & global with EFM; home church and local community; NWYM Friends Women’s annual special missionary support projects.
Please note we will again have a “Mini Bazaar” table of selected items (inquire of Billie Taylor for further information.)
Thank you for helping us send the word throughout the world.
Calling all parents and friends of Super Heroes! The Christmas program we are working on includes children (and possibly adults) in Super Hero costumes. If you have a super hero and/or a super hero costume that you could loan for the program, please let Darcie Greenamyer, Patsy Burton or Rita Bingham know.
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts It’s shoebox time again! You can help bring joy and the message of Christ to children in need! You can be part of this wonderful ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. In the main hallway under the Projects board there is a table set up where you can get what you need to participate. There are boxes, flyers with gift ideas and labels, and a few items left over from last year you can take to start filling your box! Once you fill your box you will also need to include a check for $9 per box or pay online and print a trackable label to cover shipping, distribution, and the sharing of the Gospel message. You can bring filled boxes back to the church as soon as they are ready to go. The last day they can be accepted is Sunday, November 24th. We would love to contribute at least 100 boxes this year to help bring excitement, joy, and Jesus to deserving children!
October 01, 2019 Update
Friends Women (Missionary) Fellowship will meet at MFC on Thursday, October 17th at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will follow the meeting. All women are welcome.
Everyone is invited to join us Saturday, October 19th, 9 a.m. to Noon Our Stewards will have a job list soon! Many hands will make the work load lighter.
MFC Celebrating 77 Years – Sunday, October 20th
All Church Potluck
Please join us for a time of celebration, fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish and a salad or vegetable to share. Dessert will be provided.

August 29, 2019 Update
Missions Support Baked Goods Event
Sunday, September 8th, Between Services
This is the first of four annual bake events offered by our Friends Women group to help support the special global and local projects of the NWYM of Friends Women Organization.
Everence Webinar Tuesday, September 10th
The New Rules of Money – Navigate the new economy like a pro!
Everence will host this informative webinar Tuesday, September 10th at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. PST. Participants will learn about new resources to manage debt, about the impact of credit scoring, and how to avoid those ever-changing scams. For more information, or to register visit www.everence.com/national or contact Melissa Short at 800-348-7468 ext. 3392 or melissa.short@ everence.com.
David Thomas, Retired EFM Missionary to Rwanda
Sharing on Sunday, September 15th
David will be sharing during the worship hour and there will be a discussion, Q & A opportunity during the Sunday School hour for those interested in learning more from David and their experiences. During the 20 years he and his wife Debby ministered in Rwanda they were instrumental in the successful implementation of the Discipling for Development program. They retired from the Rwanda assignment in 2016. David now serves as a mentor to missionaries & national leaders, forging a ministry focused on planting wholistic disciple-making movements. He has felt God’s call to this new work, which capitalizes on his Rwandan and D for D experiences. David and family reside in Newberg, OR. Debby is on faculty at George Fox University. David is the son of long-time NWYM missionaries to South America, Hal & Nancy Thomas.
All Church Potluck – And Birthday Celebration Sunday, September 15th
We always have a great time of fellowship and good food! Please join us, we’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish and a salad or vegetable. It’s not necessary to bring a dessert as we will be celebrating Jack Hamilton’s 80th Birthday and cake will be provided!
Friends Women (Missionary) Fellowship
Ladies, reminder that our first meeting of the 2019-2020 program year is Thursday, September 19th at 10:30 a.m. at MFC, room to be determined. And before that remember our Back to School Baked Event is Sunday, September 8th.
Remember this year’s Fall Retreats
Idaho Women’s Retreat – September 13 -15, 2019 “Braver” with speaker Beth Banham
Twin Rocks Women’s Retreat – September 27- 29, 2019 “Beyond Fear” with speaker Beth Banham
Beth, born to missionary family in Ethiopia now pastors with her husband Dan at City’s Edge Community Church in Beaverton.
Men’s Retreat at Twin Rocks September 13-15 Speaker Jim LeShana & worship music led by Dan Banham.
Talent Friends Women Invite you to take advantage of their Fall Plant Sale at Talent Friends Church Saturday September 21st, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and their annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 2nd, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a soup & pie lunch beginning at 11 a.m.
August 01, 2019 Update

Landscaping Project Has Begun on the Corner of DeBarr Avenue and Merriman Road! Yes, this is Medford Friends Church’s front yard, be sure to check it out as it progresses. At this time working conditions are hot and smoky keep the Monkey Business workers in prayer.
Help us redo the kitchen! We are going to need some help demolishing the kitchen so we can start our remodel! We will begin Monday, August 5th. The work begins at 9:30 a.m. please bring work gloves and safety glasses. If you have a favorite demo tool bring that too!
MFC is Invited to Join Talent Friends for a fun time of Bowling at Roxy Ann Lanes! Mark your calendar Tuesday, August 6th. Meet them there at 10 a.m.
School Supply Drive Is Here Again
Many families in the local community cannot afford to provide school supplies for their children and we want to help. Below is a list of supplies that we are collecting to share with students in need at Howard Elementary. You will notice that some of the supplies are listed by their brand name and educators tell us that is because even though they may cost a little more, those brands provide better bang for the buck. A collection box for these supplies is in the main hallway.
On Saturday, August 31st, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Talent Friends & Medford Friends will meet for a BBQ picnic at the pavilion at Bear Creek Park. BBQ to be 11 to 1. Please bring picnic potluck side dishes & desserts. Bring lawn chairs or blanket etc. We are looking forward to gathering together for a great time of fellowship.