July 02, 2019 Update

Evan Hayes is attending Boys Camp at Twin Rocks July 1-5 and Payshens Cichy will attend Girls Camp at Twin Rocks July 6-10.

Please remember to pray that they would have an unforgettable experience learning more about God and His great love for them. Also pray for camp staff and for safe travel for our drivers. You may go to www.twinrocks.org for photos posted during the week of camp.

Surfside Camp August 4-10 for youth completing 8th – 12th grades, cost $395 if registered before July 17.

Register youth on line at www.twinrocks.org, print your confirmation of registration form and bring it to the church office for the auction scholarship. (We reimburse you the scholarship amount by check.)

Sounds like Fun! Hope to See You There!  We have been invited to join Talent Friends on Saturday evening, July 6th from 6 to 8 p.m. for anIce Cream Social and Game night.

William Anderson is working on his Eagle Scout project. The project is a portable wall ball wall to be used for DHS supervised visits for children in foster care to play with their parents. Many kids have requested a way to play wall ball with their parents during this time. William would appreciate any donations to purchase supplies for this project. Please memo your donation Eagle Scout project and place it in the offering on Sunday. Thank you.

Friends Women Fellowship   Our annual potluck meeting to conclude the program year is Thursday, July 18th on Billie Taylor’s patio! A special invitation to all women whose schedules are free to join us. Lunch set up will be at 11:45 a.m. (regular members will have a shortened meeting for business at the usual 10:30 start time.

Box Tops for Education  If you have box tops to be passed on to FWF please turn them in by Sunday, July 14th, so they can be included in this year’s final tally. Thank you!

Pastor Jesse will be out of the office July 13th to the 27th. If there is a pastoral need please contact one of our Elders. A contact list of MFC’s Elders can be found on the usher’s table in the foyer.

Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions – July 21-24, 2019

“Fresh Vision”    

Held on campus at George Fox University

Brockie Follette is a Certified “Growing Young” Presenter for the Fuller Youth Institute, with a special focus on the Friends Church.  She serves as the Director of Kaleo Academy (the National Friends Youth Training experience) held at Barclay College, where she also leads students as the college Chaplain.  Brockie will be featured as a workshop speaker each morning and as a guest in one of the evening sessions.

Jim Le Shana, Superintendent of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church is a graduate of George Fox University, Jim shared here earlier this month at our area meeting. He is convinced that the best days for the Friends Church are still ahead, but that many of us today may need a “fresh vision” – to see ourselves, the world, the needs, and the opportunities around us with greater hope and clarity from God’s perspective.  Jim will serve as our primary speaker in the evening sessions.

Online 2019 Annual Sessions Registration – There is much more information at the Yearly Meeting website and you can register there as well, they highly encourage pre-registration for attending YM Sessions. 


May 30, 2019 Update

June 2nd is Promotion Sunday! We are recognizing those who are changing departments. Congratulations to Payshens Cichy going into 6th grade, Leo Crossett going into 7th grade, Chyna Crossett and Skylar DuLong, both going into 9th grade. William Anderson graduated from North Medford on June 1st, he will continue his education at George Fox University in the fall. Following worship there will be a time of fellowship with refreshments to celebrate the occasion! 

Southern Oregon Area Meeting
We invite all who are interested in the health and growth of their local church and our yearly meeting to join us at the Southern Oregon Area Meeting which will take place at Medford Friends on Wednesday, June 5th at 6 p.m. The area gatherings are planned to be both inspirational and informational.  Part of the meeting will be a “meet the Superintendent” time and Jim Le Shana will share some vision for Northwest Yearly Meeting and our churches.  The clerks will provide information on task force work, and there will be some final time for questions and answers. 

Please join us to celebrate Emily Brewster with a Bridal Shower on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 3 p.m. at MFC Fellowship Hall. All Ladies Welcome. Emily is registered at Target, Amazon.com and Myregistry.com

FWMF Delectable Delicacies for Dad’s DaySunday, June 16th, you can find us in the fellowship hall between Worship & Sunday School. There will be sweet and not so sweet treats. Cost by donation. Funds go towards support of NWYM Friends Serving Abroad and local outreach ministries.

Friends Women Fellowship The ladies will meet Thursday, June 20th, at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC. All ladies are welcome. Lunch will follow the meeting.

Movie on the Patio Join the Hamilton’s for a fun time, they will be showing the movie “Snow Dogs” at their place on June 22nd at dusk, about 8:30 p.m. There will be popcorn & punch served. Please bring your lawn chair, no lounge chairs please! See your Sunday bulletin for more information.

Elders Project – Now through June 23rd “Fill the Van for Summer Fun” The toy drive MFC is holding to support foster children in our community is looking good! We have until June 23rd to accept donations of indoor & outdoor toys, games, activities for children age 0-17 years. These will be given to foster families during the long, hot & sometimes smoky summer to keep their children active & entertained. Please leave you donations in the designated area on the platform in the front of the sanctuary. Our goal is to fill the church van!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Camp Auction that raises funds for our kids to earn scholarships toward 2019 camps at Twin Rocks. Register youth on line at www.twinrocks.org, print your confirmation of registration form and bring it to the church office for the auction scholarship. (We reimburse you the scholarship amount by check.)

Drivers needed to camp and drivers home from camp for the following camps at Twin Rocks: Girls Camp 7/6 & 7/10 and Tween Camp 7/15 & 7/20 – Contact Jesse Davis if you have questions or are interested in volunteering.

Boys Camp July 1-5 for boys entering 4th – 6th grades, camp cost $365 if registered before June 13.

Girls Camp July 6-10 for girls entering 4th – 6th grades, camp cost $365 if registered before June 18.

Tween Camp July 15-20 for youth entering 7th – 9th grades, cost $380 if registered before June 27.

Surfside Camp August 4-10 for youth completing 8th – 12th grades, cost $395 if registered before July 17.


May 02, 2019 Update

Business Meeting – Sunday, May 5th. We will meet in the sanctuary following worship, the adult Bible studies will follow the meeting.

Help our Kids go to Twin Rocks Friends Camp!

The Sign-up Sheets to list your auction items are located on the usher’s table in the foyer and in the fellowship hall. Items such as baked goods, handmade items, antiques, collectibles and company donations have sold well in the past.  We are looking forward to a great evening of fun fellowship and raising funds for camp scholarships for our youth.

Dinner and Silent Camp Auction  Everyone is invited to join the fun and help our youth with scholarships to camp.

  Wednesday, May 15thJoin us for Dinner at 6 p.m.

Dinner: Your choice of Lasagna! Meat, Vegetarian or Gluten-free Vegan with Salad and Garlic Bread.

$10 for adults and $5 for children under 12 with all proceeds going towards the camp scholarship fund.

Boys Camp July 1-5 for boys entering 4th – 6th grades, camp cost $365 if registered before June 13.

Girls Camp July 6-10 for girls entering 4th – 6th grades, camp cost $365 if registered before June 18.

Tween Camp July 15-20 for youth entering 7th – 9th grades, cost $380 if registered before June 27.

Surfside Camp August 4-10 for youth completing 8th – 12th grades, cost 395 if registered before July 17.

We are also looking for drivers to camp and drivers home from camp for the following camps at Twin Rocks:

Boys Camp 7/1 & 7/5 and Girls Camp 7/6 & 7/10.

Tween Camp 7/15 & 7/20 and Surfside Camp 8/4 & 8/10.

Contact Jesse Davis if you have questions or are interested in volunteering.

Friends Women Fellowship  The ladies will meet Thursday, May 16th, at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC. All ladies are welcome. We will have lunch at Wendy’s following the meeting.

All Church Potluck  – Sunday May 19th

Please join us in the fellowship hall for our Next All Church Potluck is Scheduled for Sunday, May 19th.  Bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.

The River will be in concert at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 100 Windsor Ave. Medford on Saturday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. The admission is free. 

2019 Annual Spring Fellowship and Missions Rally

“Precious…Everlasting Love”

10 a.m.  Saturday, May 18th at Talent Friends Church

Main Speaker will be EFM Executive Director, Dan Cammack. Elizabeth Todd, FSA, Palestine will also share. Lunch to follow at noon.

Elders New Project – Now through June 23rd

“Fill the Van for Summer Funis a toy drive MFC is holding to support foster children in our community. From now until June 23rd we will gladly accept donations of indoor & outdoor toys, games, activities for children age 0-17 years. These will be given to foster families during the long, hot & sometimes smoky summer to keep their children active & entertained. Please leave you donations in the designated area on the platform in the front of the sanctuary. Our goal is to fill the church van!


March 28, 2019 Update

We will hold an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 21st. Your donations of bags of individually wrapped candy that will fit in small plastic eggs are welcome and much appreciated for this fun event. There is a box in the main hallway to place your candy donations in on Sundays.

Join Us for A Diaper Shower!!

Drew and Ashley Krupp’s new little one is almost here! Please join us in showering them with love and diapers and wipes! We will have a little celebration Sunday, April 14th during fellowship time between the church service and Sunday school hour. We will have some snacks and a time to congratulate the Krupp family. Please bring wipes and diapers of any size to shower them. They do so much for us and our children. Now is a chance to love them back!

In Celebration of Our Risen Savior

Good Friday Service April 19th, at 6:30 p.m.

The service will feature reflection, repentance, communion with the elements, and a time of open worship.

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Easter Sunday Service – April 21st

9 a.m. A time of fellowship and Continental Breakfast

10 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary – No Bible studies or Sunday school classes that day.

Following Worship –The Christian Ed Committee will host an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.

“To Rwanda and Beyond”

This year’s EFM 2019 Easter Offering will go to support EFM’s ministries in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ecuador, India, Ireland, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines, & Rwanda, and will be taken Easter Sunday.  Please be in prayer about the opportunity to share in this offering.

We will not meet for an All Church Potluck in April. Our Next All Church Potluck is Scheduled for Sunday, May 19th.

Friends Women Fellowship

The ladies will meet Thursday, April 26th, at 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room at MFC. All ladies are welcome.

Elders New Project – Now through June 23rd

Toys for Jackson County Foster Children

Fill the Van for Summer Fun!

“Fill the Van for Summer Fun” is a toy drive MFC is holding to support foster children in our community. From now until June 23rd we will gladly accept donations of new toys, games, activities for children age 0-17 years. These will be given to foster families during the long, hot & sometimes smoky summer to keep their children active & entertained. Please leave you donations in the designated area on the platform in the front of the sanctuary. Our goal is to fill the church van!

Help Wanted

The Stewards Committee is looking for 1-2 people to join our committee. The work of the Stewards is to oversee the building and finances of the church. If you are interested please contact Mark Burton.

For the last several years Billie Taylor has been our Everence representative. Thank you Billie for all that you’ve done! Our connection with Everence provides us with money we can use to help those in financial need. Billie is willing to work with the next representative for a year to train them. If you have any questions or are interested in filling this position please contact Billie.

Help our Kids go to Twin Rocks Friends Camp!

The Sign-up Sheets to list your auction items are located on the usher’s table in the foyer and in the fellowship hall.

Silent Camp Auction – Wednesday, May 15th

Items such as baked goods, handmade items, antiques, collectibles and company donations have sold well in the past.  There is plenty of time to get creative. We are looking forward to a great evening of fun fellowship and raising funds for camp scholarships for our youth.

Dinner at 6 p.m.   Auction bidding begins at 6:30 p.m.

Dinner will be $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12 with all proceeds going towards the camp scholarship fund. More information to come!
