Song of the Week

This weeks song is Breakfast by Newsboys. This song is bascially about someone dying. When you die you get to go to one of two places, heaven or hell. If you go to hell, you don’t get the fun stuff that you enjoy on earth, such as breakfast. BUT, in hevan you will! Along with this the song has some funny refrences to the breakfast club and different type of breakfast foods so it is a lot of fun. So stop reading this and listen to this song!!-

Breakfast-Newsboys-Take Me to Your Leader


February Youth News

Girl’s Nite In The Word- February 12th- 6 to 8:30 p.m- Community Bible Church in Central Point. This month’s topic is body image. All Jr. Hi and High School girls are invited to paricipate. You can get more information at empowering teen girls to make wise choices-hosted by Jimmelynn Rice.

Mexico Trip Fundraiser- Sunday, February 19th, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.- Medford Armory. Terry DuLong will be manning a booth at the Giant Flea Market at the Medford Armory with all of the proceeds going toward our 2012 Mexico trip. Stop by and support the 2012 Mexico Mission Trip, or if you would like to donate itmes to the fundraiser, contact Terry DuLong.

Watch for Information on the Mexico Mission 2012 Trip. Don’t forget a valid passport is required.

Pre-School Teaching Opportunity. We have a great group of 2-3 year-olds at 11 a.m. on Sunday mornings and would like to start a new class for them. If you would be interested in teaching this class please contact Lena Anderson. Teaching is a great experience and way to get involved in your church, even for High-Schoolers!!

Youth Group-7 p.m.- Meet in Ross Chapel. Come at 6 p.m for Simple Meal.


Song of the Week

Alrighty, I am going to be posting a song each week for you guys to listen to. A lot of the music that is popular isn’t very good at keeping us close to God so here are some good songs that will do that. Also if you have been wanting to add some new music to your ipod, here is some songs to add. So the song this week is Whispers in the Dark by Skillet. The song is about darkness. There are a lot of times when life can feel dark and we feel like we have no hope. But that’s not true. God is there to shine the light for you and give you hope. If you like rock music you will love this song. It’s  one of my favorites. Here you go!!

Whispers In The Dark- Skillet- Comatose



On Saturday, May 5th Thirday, Matt Maher,  Trevor Morgan, and the Neverclaim will be at Lithia Amphitheater. Iv’e seen Thirday twice in concert before and they have been alright. I’m not a big fan of Thirday, but if you are then you will probably love this concert. I’ve also seen The Neverclaim before with Thirday, again, i’m not a huge fan but they were alright. The tickets are $15 for lawn seats. For information you can click on this link- Hope to see you there!
