Home Study for April 1 thrugh 6, 2013

Monday – I Corinthians 15:1-11
To whom and how many did Jesus appear after the resurrection?
Why is this important?
How powerful was God’s grace in Paul’s life?
How powerful is God’s grace in your life?

Tuesday – Read Ephesians 1:15-22
What power does Jesus work in the lives of those who believe in Him?
What hope does that give you?
Why don’t we live more fully in that power?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Ephesians 2:1-10
What is our condition in our sin?
How are we made alive?
Why is it important to realize that we are saved by God’s grace and not our works?
How should this impact how we relate to God? To others?
How does this challenge you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Ephesians 3:14-21
What aspect of this prayer is most surprising to you?
What aspect of this prayer is most encouraging to you?
Take time to pray this prayer for yourself, for people you know and for our church.

Friday – Read Philippians 3:7-11
What does Paul say was the most important thing in his life?
What did Paul want to know most of all? Why?
What was his ultimate hope (see verse 11)?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read John 5:1-15

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