Home Study for October 15 through 20, 2012
Monday – Read Matthew 28:16-20
What changed the disciples’ doubt to confidence and action?
In whose power were they, and are we, called to serve?
What confidence and hope does it give you to know that Jesus is with us always?
What does this inspire you to do for Him?
Tuesday – Read John 14:1-13
What promises does Jesus make to us here?
What do we need to do to allow these promises to be a reality in our lives?
What does Jesus want to do through you?
What will you do?
Wednesday – Read John 17:20-26
What does Jesus pray for us here?
Why doesn’t He pray for God to take us out of the world?
What id Jesus’ plan for our lives on earth and in eternity?
What can you do to better partner with Him in that plan?
Thursday – Read Romans 8:28-39
As we walk with Jesus, in what kinds of situations are we more than conquerors?
What does it take for us to live in that kind of victory?
How complete is God’s love for you?
What does this mean to you?
How can you live more fully in His love and power?
Friday- Read Hebrews 13:1-8
What does God call us to do in these verses?
What does He promise us?
How does knowing that God will never leave nor forsake us empower us to do what He calls us to here?
What can you do to better live in the reality of God’s presence in your life?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read John 20:24-31