Home Study – July 2 through 7, 2012
Adapted from the Northwest Yearly Meeting 50-day Prayer Journal
Monday – Read I John 5:13-15
Why don’t we have what we ask God for?
What does this passage tell us about the importance of seeking God’s will in all that we pray for?
What does it mean to ask God “according to His will?”
How does this passage challenge you?
What will you do?
Tuesday – Read James 1:2-8
What reason do we have for hope in the middle of our trials?
When you are in a tough spot, are you more likely to pray for relief or for wisdom?
Which is the prayer that God will answer?
As you take time to pray for your needs and the needs of others ask for God’s wisdom and guidance in each situation.
Wednesday – Read John 16:19-24
What jumps out to you in this passage?
In the context of Jesus’ farewell instructions here he instructs His disciples to ask “in my name.” What does that mean?
Spend some time in quiet before God and invite Him to speak to you.
Thursday – Read Acts 2:42-47
List five things the early church did.
How did these activities shape their relationship with God and with each other?
Why was it so important for them to do these things together, including praying together?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?
Friday – Read John 17:6-18
This is a portion of Jesus’ last prayer with His disciples before His crucifixion. Why is our “oneness” so important to Him?
What are some things that threaten the “oneness” in our church? In our Yearly Meeting? In the church worldwide?
Take time to pray that God would protect us from those threats.
Saturday – Read Genesis 21:8-21