Home Study for May 26 through 31, 2014
Monday – Read Galatians 2:20
What does it mean to be “crucified with Christ?”
What does it mean that “Christ lives in me?”
How much does Jesus love you?
How should this impact the way you live?
Tuesday – Read Isaiah 43:1-2
What does God mean by he has “summoned you by name?”
What assurances and promises does God give us in these verses?
What does this mean to you?
How should this impact how you live for Jesus?
Wednesday – Read Isaiah 41:8-10
Why do we not need to fear when we are living for Jesus?
What does it mean that God will uphold us?
What do you need Jesus to do in your life in these days? Ask Him.
Thursday – Read Psalm 27:1-6
How is the Lord described in verse 1? Is this true for you?
Why was David able to remain confident in the troubles he faced?
What one thing did David ask of the Lord?
How did this impact his life? How would it impact yours?
What do you want to say to the Lord today?
Friday – Read Psalm 27:11-14
In verse 11, what was David’s solution to being oppressed?
What was David confident of?
What was his admonition to us in verse 14?
Spend some time waiting before the Lord and allow Him to work in you.
Saturday – Read Isaiah 40:28-31