Hopeful Vision


I recently had the opportunity to participate in the mid-year meeting for our region. It was a good time of vision casting for our future together. As we talked together about who we wanted to be the focus on Christ and His mission of redemption for our world was at the forefront. We are a people that thirst for God’s righteousness and are creating a vision together of how we can live that out over the next 10 years. This is a hopeful vision of a vibrant community of believers working together to fulfill the great commission in our region and throughout the world. I am excited to see what it is that God does in our lives over the coming years as we seek to fulfill the vision we have been given.


Here is the report from the Clerks on our time together:


“Northwest Yearly Meeting's Vision Day was held Saturday, January 27th at Sherwood Friends Church with over 200 people in attendance!!  All eight areas and 33 of the 44 churches remaining in NWYM were represented.  A lot of brainstorming, sharing, and visioning was done throughout the day.  Planning Day followed on January 28th when the Task Force met on the George Fox University Campus.  This all-day meeting summarized vision statements from the previous day to draft a vision statement of NWYM.  Based on the vision, the Task Force began discerning priorities for NWYM in the upcoming months and years.


Within the next week, the clerks will send a more detailed report on the areas of priority that emerged during Vision Day.”


Brad Holton, Presiding Clerk

Debbie Harrison, Assistant Presiding Clerk
