The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

January 2012

Happy New Year!

When I was a kid these words always held out so much promise and hope. The promise that the next 12 months would be different than the last 12, and the hope that I could leave behind my failures and struggles of the past and that things would go the way that I wanted and I could become the guy that I wanted to be.

That was a lot of hope to put on three words and on one moment in time, and try as I might, most of the time the new year ended up being so much like the one before it, with me having the same hopes and struggles as before. However, after submitting my life to Jesus He began making changes in me and taking me to places that I had previously only dreamed about. And the promise and hope that I desired as a kid was no longer something that was only available to me at 12 midnight on January 1st of each year, but as Lamentations 3:22 – 24 reminds us:

“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.’”

Another good part of living my life submitted to Jesus  is that I no longer have to make the plan for my life and then try to make it happen, but instead, I can trust Jesus and as I live for Him, seeking His plan and His will, He will guide me in the way I should go. In Jeremiah 29:11 God made an incredible promise to His people, a promise that extends to us as His people today:

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’”

This promise doesn’t mean that God will make us all healthy and wealthy, but it does mean that even though we will encounter the difficulties of life, God will work for our good, giving us a hope and calling us to a future with Him.

As we begin this new year, take time each day to submit your life to Jesus, be open to who He is and all that He is doing in your life, and then join Him in the work that He desires to do in and through you!

Expecting Great Things Each Day,



Home Study 01-02-12 to 01-07-12

Monday – Read Isaiah 59:1-2

Why does unforgiven sin disrupt our communication with God?

What can we do every time that we sin? See I John 1:9.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiven sin in your heart so you may confess it and be forgiven.


Tuesday – Read Hebrews 6:9-12

Thinking about the faith heroes in your life, what are some of the qualities that you notice in them?

Why are we warned to not become spiritually lazy?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Numbers 14:1-45

What got the people of Israel into trouble?

What reward was given to those who wanted to obey?

How does this apply to our lives today?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Psalm 51:1-19

This was David’s prayer of repentance after being confronted by his adultery with Bathsheba.

What jumps out at you in this Psalm?

According to verses 16 and 17, what does God desire from us more than our religious sacrifices and activities?

Which is easier to do; religious activity or pursue God with our whole heart?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read John 4:7-26

What do we know about the woman Jesus was talking to?

What was Jesus offering this woman?

According to verses 23-24, how are we to worship God?

How does this challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read I
Thessalonians 5:12-15


Home Study 01-02-12 to 01-07-12

Monday – Read Isaiah 59:1-2

Why does unforgiven sin disrupt our communication with God?

What can we do every time that we sin? See I John 1:9.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiven sin in your heart so you may confess it and be forgiven.


Tuesday – Read Hebrews 6:9-12

Thinking about the faith heroes in your life, what are some of the qualities that you notice in them?

Why are we warned to not become spiritually lazy?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Numbers 14:1-45

What got the people of Israel into trouble?

What reward was given to those who wanted to obey?

How does this apply to our lives today?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Psalm 51:1-19

This was David’s prayer of repentance after being confronted by his adultery with Bathsheba.

What jumps out at you in this Psalm?

According to verses 16 and 17, what does God desire from us more than our religious sacrifices and activities?

Which is easier to do; religious activity or pursue God with our whole heart?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read John

What do we know about the woman Jesus was talking to?

What was Jesus offering this woman?

According to verses 23-24, how are we to worship God?

How does this challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read I
Thessalonians 5:12-15


Home Study 12-26 to 12-31, 2011

Monday – Read Philippians 2:1-4

How are we called to live as followers of Jesus?

Why is this important?

What could happen if the followers of Jesus would live in
humility and look to the interests of others?

What can you do to help you live more like this?

Tuesday – Read Philippians 2:5-11

What did Jesus do?

What example does this set for us?

How can we show the same attitude as Jesus?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Philippians 2:12-18

Who works in us to motivate us to act according to God’s
good purposes?

Why is it important to understand this?

How should we live to shine like stars for Jesus?

How does this give us the opportunity to share the love and
truth of Jesus?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Philemon, verses 4-7

What does Paul pray for Philemon here?

How does sharing our faith help us to have a fuller
understanding of every good thing we have in Jesus?

What might you do to open the door to share your faith more?

Friday – Read II Peter 1:3-11

What has God given us to live for Him?

What is our role in possessing these qualities in increasing

How do these qualities keep us from falling?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read I Thessalonians 5:19