The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study Sept. 12- 17

Home Study Sept. 12th to 17th

Monday-2 Samuel 23:20-23 & 1 Chronicles 11:22-25

What are the God ordained Lions that you are chasing? What impossible situation have you seen God use to bring glory
to himself in your life? Lion chasers understand that playing it “safe” is “risky”. Today pray for boldness and strength like Benaiah.

 Tuesday-Daniel 6:1-24

What saved Daniel: His faith? His innocence? His Prayers? The king’s prayers? God’s faithfulness? Lazy Lions? Why did they decide to “find something against him concerning the law of his God”(v.5)?What does this say about Daniel’s character? What can you learn from Daniel’s prayer habits? From his courage in obeying God?

Wednesday-2 Corinthians 5:7 & 2 Timothy 1:7

Today write these 2 verses on a 3×5 card or in a journal and memorize these verses. You can do it!

Thursday-Matthew 5:43-48

If someone attacks you, verbally, physically, or some other way, how do you usually respond?What does it mean,
in practical terms, to “turn the other cheek?” to “go the extra mile?”

Friday-1 Chronicles 12:1-40

Who has God brought into your life?
How have they stood by you in the battles of life? What strategies are you
using in your life to pursue God’s destiny?

Saturday- ReadHebrews 13:17-19


September 5-10, 2011 Home Study

Monday – Read II Peter 1:12-15

Why did Peter say he was reminding his readers of the things he was

writing about?

Why was it important for them to remember these things?

Is this true for us today?

What can you do to better remember the things that Jesus has done for

and in you?


Tuesday – Read John 15:18-27

Why did/does the world system hate Jesus?

How might the world system respond to us as followers of Jesus?

Should this surprise us?

Who helps us to know how to respond when we face resistance to

Jesus by others in our lives?

What hope and strength does this give you?


Wednesday – Read Matthew 22:34-40

How can these two commandments sum up all the law and prophets?

It sounds so simple, why is it so hard to live out?

By what power are we able to live as Jesus speaks here?

How is the Spirit challenging you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Romans 12:1-2

What does it mean to be a “living sacrifice?”

How can we live our lives as an offering to God?

How can we have our minds transformed and renewed?

How does that allow us to know God’s will?

What is Jesus saying here to you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read Mark 9:38-41

Why were the disciples upset?

According to Jesus’ words in verse 39, what is the right motivation for

any choice or behavior?

How important are the small and simple things that we can do in

Jesus’ name? What can you do for Him today?


Saturday – Read II Samuel 23:20-23


Huge Thank You to Everyone!

Thank you to everyone for all of the non-perishable foods, clothing, books, toys and financial gifts that has been given so generously for our short term missions trip to show the love of Jesus to the Hoopa Tribe in Northern California. Please remember to pray for the team as they travel and serve over Labor Day weekend.


What’s up in September

Thank You Judy! A big thank you to Judy Fields for all of her work on the church family photo board. It looks wonderful and will be a helpful resource to our church family. Thank you too to everyone who took the time to have your picture taken.


The Prayer Shawl Group is now The Prayer Shawl & Craft Group and will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse at The Meadows. If you have any questions, call Judy Fields at 541-664-2786.


Looking for Volunteers:  Just a Reminder! Last Sunday, Christian Ed. clerk, Lena Anderson made an announcement that the committee is seeking volunteers for nursery and children’s ministries during the Sunday School hour and asked for us to pray about what God would might have us do. If you feel that this is a place where God is calling you to serve please contact Lena or Pastor Mark.


We Will Resume Wednesday Night Activities on September 14th   Simple Meal will be at 6 p.m. with Wednesday Night Kids, Youth Group and an adult study beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday Night Kids will meet upstairs. The youth will be meeting for worship, study and small groups in the sanctuary. The adult study will meet in the fellowship hall classroom and will begin with a study on the prayers of Jesus.


All Church Potluck – Sunday, September 18th  Mark your calendars now and plan to join us in the fellowship hall following Sunday School and Bible Study. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish, and a salad, vegetable or dessert, enough to feed eight people. There will be a short business meeting afterwards.

Ladies you are Invited to A Baby Shower for Erica (Burton) Chan

Please join us in the fireside room at MFC on Thursday, September 15th at 7 p.m. Erica and Phil are registered at Target and if you haven’t heard they are expecting a bouncing baby boy, due in November!  Be sure to RSVP by circling “J” on the back of your Response and Information sheet in Sunday’s bulletin.


Ladies Groups Resume Meeting in September

FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) is open to all women of our church. Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and those people to whom they minister.  This year’s theme is “God’s Global Network.” All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC on Thursday, September 15th, at 10 a.m.  A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.

Ladies Fellowship Group will have their first fall meeting Tuesday, September 20th at 7 p.m. at the home of Patsy Burton. This group plans many of the “all church” fellowship functions. All ladies are warmly invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship.

Friends Women Fall Retreat at Twin Rocks Camp

September 30 – October 2 – Women Truly Transformed

Register by Sept. 18 and save $10. Cost is $138. Brochures are on the usher’s table in the foyer. If you’d like to go and need transportation contact Nadine Brood by September 15th.

Each year the retreat holds a silent auction, this year, our FWMF group is planning to send a kitchen themed basket featuring one of our “Recipes from the Heart” cookbooks. If you would like to contribute a fun kitchen item please let Judy Fields or Phebe McManama know by Sept. 15th.   Money raised from the auction will go to help purchase new linens and decorations for the Twin Rocks dining hall.