The Pastor’s Blog
Thanks to everyone who made our Camp Auction a success! We have helped with 8 camp scholarships! Evan Hayes is attending Boys Camp July 1-5, Chyna Crossett & Auston Taylor will attend Tween Camp July 15-20, Surfside Camp, August 5-11 includes: Ariel Taylor, Abby Lacey, Alexis Senter, Veronica Noriega, Nic Shinn and Reyez Moreno, a friend of Nic’s. Jesse Davis will also be teaching at Surfside Camp. Please remember to pray for travel safety, camp counselors, staff and that each would have an unforgettable experience learning about God and H is great love for them.
You can go to for photos posted during the week of camp.
Ladies please join us for a baby shower for Janelle Ralph Friday,
August 3 @ 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
We will share a light salad buffet and celebrate the blessings of a new baby. Janelle is registered at Target and Amazon. Please note that sensitive skin runs in the family. If you purchase diapers or wipes, please procure from the brands of Seventh Generation Free & Clear, or Babyganics, or Naty. This will make one baby very happy!
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship
The ladies meet on Thursday, July 19th, at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Phebe McManama. All ladies are welcome to join us. We will enjoy a pot luck picnic following the meeting! No meeting in August.
July 22 Yearly Meeting Friends Women’s Banquet Sunday evening 5 p.m. Cost: $15, paid by July 18th
Theme: “Living Out the Gospel”, Speaker: Dorothy Sherman Offering: Teaching Abroad
Include payment in your registration or send a check payable to Friends Women. More information on line.
MFC Has a New Projects Bulletin Board in the Main Hallway, be sure to check it out! It’s a helpful reminder of current events and how we can be a part of showing the love of Christ to others.
You might like to take part in collecting gift donations for the Shoe Box ministry that we have been a part of in the past. This year we are hoping to fill 200 boxes! We are also raising funds to send those boxes overseas. Check out the right side of the board for ideas that can go into the boxes as some things have changed! More information will come for this project!
Many families in the local community cannot afford to provide school supplies for their children and we want to help lighten that burden.
Howard Elementary School Supply List
Supplies that get used all the time and that they run out of the most are the following: red, blue, yellow & green pocket folders; Ticonderoga brand pencils; 24 count Crayola crayons & Crayola color markers and glue sticks (not white glue). Other supplies that we’ve given in the past include: pencil top erasers; large erasers; rulers; pencil pouches; notebook paper; pens; solar calculators; 3 ring binders; pocket dividers for binders; 3×5 lined note cards; spiral notebooks; Kleenex tissues and backpacks. We have a box in the main hallway for your donations.
From the Elders: The Foster Parent Association is always in need of items for the children's belongings. If you have suitcases, duffel bags or backpacks in good condition that you no longer use, we can share our love by donating. Please bring them to the church for delivery.
The 126th Annual Sessions of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
“Light of the World”
Held on campus at George Fox University Sunday, July 22 – Thursday, July 26, 2018
Registration is on line at NWFRIENDS.ORG/YM-SESSIONS
Mark Your Calendar – Franklin Graham will be at Jackson County Expo August 1st, 7:30 p.m. Admission free
News – 07-2018
Thanks to everyone who made our Camp Auction a success! We have helped with 8 camp scholarships! Evan Hayes is attending Boys Camp July 1-5, Chyna Crossett & Auston Taylor will attend Tween Camp July 15-20, Surfside Camp, August 5-11 includes: Ariel Taylor, Abby Lacey, Alexis Senter, Veronica Noriega, Nic Shinn and Reyez Moreno, a friend of Nic’s. Jesse Davis will also be teaching at Surfside Camp. Please remember to pray for travel safety, camp counselors, staff and that each would have an unforgettable experience learning about God and H is great love for them.
You can go to for photos posted during the week of camp.
Ladies please join us
for a baby shower for Janelle Ralph Friday,
August 3 @ 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
We will share a light salad buffet and celebrate the blessings of a new baby. Janelle is registered at Target and Amazon. Please note that sensitive skin runs in the family. If you purchase diapers or wipes, please procure from the brands of Seventh Generation Free & Clear, or Babyganics, or Naty. This will make one baby very happy!
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship
The ladies meet on Thursday, July 19th, at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Phebe McManama. All ladies are welcome to join us. We will enjoy a pot luck picnic following the meeting! No meeting in August.
July 22 Yearly Meeting Friends Women’s Banquet Sunday evening 5 p.m. Cost: $15, paid by July 18th
Theme: “Living Out the Gospel”, Speaker: Dorothy Sherman
Offering: Teaching Abroad
Include payment in your registration or send a check payable to Friends Women. More information on line.
MFC Has a New Projects Bulletin Board in the Main Hallway, be sure to check it out! It’s a helpful reminder of current events and how we can be a part of showing the love of Christ to others.
You might like to take part in collecting gift donations for the Shoe Box ministry that we have been a part of in the past. This year we are hoping to fill 200 boxes! We are also raising funds to send those boxes overseas. Check out the right side of the board for ideas that can go into the boxes as some things have changed! More information will come for this project!
Many families in the local community cannot afford to provide school supplies for their children and we want to help lighten that burden.
Howard Elementary School Supply List
Supplies that get used all the time and that they run out of the most are the following: red, blue, yellow & green pocket folders; Ticonderoga brand pencils; 24 count Crayola crayons & Crayola color markers and glue sticks (not white glue). Other supplies that we’ve given in the past include: pencil top erasers; large erasers; rulers; pencil pouches; notebook paper; pens; solar calculators; 3 ring binders; pocket dividers for binders; 3×5 lined note cards; spiral notebooks; Kleenex tissues and backpacks. We have a box in the main hallway for your donations.
From the Elders: The Foster Parent Association is always in need of items for the children’s belongings. If you have suitcases, duffel bags or backpacks in good condition that you no longer use, we can share our love by donating. Please bring them to the church for delivery.
The 126th Annual Sessions of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
“Light of the World”
Held on campus at George Fox University Sunday, July 22 – Thursday, July 26, 2018
Registration is on line at NWFRIENDS.ORG/YM-SESSIONS
Mark Your Calendar – Franklin Graham will be at Jackson County Expo August 1st, 7:30 p.m. Admission free
See You Later
I said goodbye to a friend today. My buddy Orlando is moving back to the east coast after a year out here in Oregon. I am going to miss him. We had a lot of laughter over the last year that is going to be missing from my life now. As we ate lunch today and talked about his plans for going back and the trip I was excited for what the future holds for him. I don’t mind leave takings like this one, where a person is heading off to do life somewhere else and is excited about it.
Tomorrow I am doing a memorial service for a family. Talking with families about their loved ones who have just passed away is a hard thing. You see the sorrow in their eyes as they recall stories of the good times and the laughter they shared. You are a part of their grief and mourning. You offer hope and prayer for comfort to them. You try to honor the individual and the family in the best way possible, by pointing to Jesus’ goodness.
As I sit in my office and think about saying goodbye to Orlando and prep for helping this family mourn I can’t help but compare the experiences. In one case it is leaving by choice, in another it is the inevitable leave taking we all face as fragile human beings. Both have elements of sorrow and joy, personal and communal. We celebrate and send off. We mourn and let go. For my part, it helps to remember that goodbye is really “see you later.” As Christians our hope in in Christ that we will partake of the resurrection. When we say goodbye to those we love it isn’t final. We could honestly say, “see you later.” Even to those we have lost to the grave. I, for one, am grateful for that hope today.
Sunday, June 10, 2018 there will be an All Church Business Meeting. We will meet in the sanctuary after the worship service. Sunday School will follow the meeting.
FWMF Delectable Delicacies for Dad’s Day
Sunday, June 17th, you can find us in the fellowship hall between Worship and Sunday School. There will be sweet and not so sweet treats! Cost by donation. Funds go towards support of NWYM Friends Serving Abroad and local outreach ministries.
From the Elders: The Foster Parent Association is always in need of items for the children's belongings. If you have suitcases, duffel bags or backpacks in good condition that you no longer use, we can share our love by donating. Please bring them to the church for delivery.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship The ladies meet on Thursday, June 21st, at 10:30 a.m. at MFC, in the fireside room. All ladies are welcome to join us. Lunch will follow the meeting.
Looking Ahead:
July 19 FWMF meeting 10:30 a.m. at Phebe McManama’s, potluck picnic. No meeting in August.
July 22-26 Yearly Meeting Friends Women’s Banquet Sunday evening
Theme: “Living Out the Gospel”
Speaker: Dorothy Sherman
Offering: Teaching Abroad
September 20 FWMF meeting10:30 a.m. at MFC
September 28-30 Ladies Fall Retreat at Twin Rocks
Theme: “Everything Has Become New”
Speaker: Mindy Burns, Chapel Speaker: Sue Fergurson Hays