The Pastor’s Blog
Beach Fun
I recently went to Cannon Beach for a wedding of some friends. I drove up and spent a couple days with the family in a beach house doing way more than I thought I would need to. Helping out with the wedding and reception set up was in my wheelhouse but about an hour and a half before the wedding the mother of the bride was working on some final things and I asked what she needed me to do and she responded, “Make these boutonnieres!” In that moment, I knew that I couldn’t say “I can’t do that.” So, I just responded, “Yes, Ma’am.” I made the boutonnieres and the wedding went off without a hitch (except two people got hitched, but that was the whole point of the wedding in the first place).
I did not expect to be needed as a flower arranger/boutonniere maker but I am glad I was able to be present and support my friends as much as I could. I just wanted to spend some time with them and have a little beach fun. Often in our lives we find ourselves with one expectation of what a situation will require of us and the reality of that situation requires something more from us than we knew we were capable of. This was the case for me at the wedding in Cannon Beach and is generally the case for me in my work as a minister of the gospel. I find myself in situations that I expected to go one way and do not go that way at all. I find myself growing and learning in these situations, I find that these are the moments when I am challenged by God and am surprised at how capable I am in meeting that challenge with His help. I may just want a little beach fun but God has more in store for me and a better story comes out of the situation. When I surrender my expectations for a situation to God, He inevitably exceeds them and shows me more about who He is and who I am in those moments.
Saturday, July 1st at 11 a.m. Ladies, Please Join Us
Ashley Krupp Baby Shower – Come celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby boy Krupp. We will gather on Saturday, July 1st @ 11 a.m. Brunch will be served. Ashley is registered at Target. Ashley has received lots of lovely hand me downs, so no clothes needed. Join us for this fun celebration of the gift of new life from our Lord. If you have questions, see Patsy Burton.
Medford and Talent Friends Combined BBQ Picnic! Saturday, July 8th at Bear Creek Park under the pavilion 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Hamburgers & hotdogs, buns and condiments will be provided. Please bring picnic potluck side dishes and desserts. Bring lawn chairs or lawn blanket etc. as desired. We are looking forward to gathering together for a great time of fellowship.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship
Our July meeting is Thursday, July 20th and is a potluck picnic at the home of Phebe McManama. This meeting concludes our 2016-17 program year, “Transformed by Grace”. We will convene at 10:30 a.m. with an hour for wrap up business and prayer; lunch will be set out at 11:45. All women are invited to come as our guests. The Talent FWMF has been invited. Please RSVP to Nadine Brood.
Women’s Banquet at Yearly Meeting 2017
Theme: On the Journey – Speaker: Sarah Badgley
Held at the Canyon Commons at GFU
4:15 p.m. (registration & refreshments) – 5 p.m. (banquet)
Cost: $15 – paid by July 18; $19 after (and only as space is available) Please include payment in your registration, or send a check payable to Friends Women to: Terri Bowen, 200 N Meridian, Newberg, OR 97132-2714
When Grace Happens is the theme for 2017 NWYM sessions, July 23rd through 26th. Held on the campus of GFU Newberg, OR. Register on line at
1000 Pairs of Shoes
We Are Off To A Great Start…
We are going to be accepting donations of new shoes up until Easter time of next year! Please help us bless our community by participating in any way that you can for this shoe drive!
Looking Ahead! When Grace Happens is the theme for 2017 NWYM sessions, July 23rd through 26th. Registration is now open! Early bird discount ends June 30th. To register please visit:
Ice-Cream Social and Game Night – at MFC, Friday, June 2nd
Invite friends and join us at 6:30 p.m.
The Activities Committee will provide the Ice-Cream! Please bring a favorite ice-cream topping to share and table games to play. We look forward to a great time of fellowship.
Sunday, June 11th is Promotion Sunday
All our kids will move up to the next class and we will recognize those who are changing departments. We will have donuts and juice during the fellowship time between church and Sunday School.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship – Meeting for June All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC Thursday, June 15th, at 10:30 a.m. A buffet lunch follows the meeting.
FWMF announces that its 3rd annual Delectable Delicacies for Dad’s Day (or other significant person) will be available between worship & S.S. Sunday June 18th with a sweet or not so sweet treat: brownies, cupcakes/muffins with a special message, soft pretzels, artisan bread & coffee bread and a variety of cookies etc. Cost by donation. When you participate in FWMF bake sales funds go towards support of NWYM Friends Serving Abroad and local outreach ministries such as Child Evangelism Fellowship.
It’s time to sign up for summer camp at Twin Rocks Friends Camp! Brochures are available on the table in the foyer (or visit
Girls Camp: July 2-7 – Discounted price $305, register before June 14th girls entering 4th-6th grades this fall
Tween Camp: July 9-15 – Discounted price $325, register before June 21st those entering 7th-9th grades
Boys Camp: July 16-21 – Discounted price $305, register before June 28th boys entering 4th-6th grades
Surfside Camp: August 6-12 – Discounted price $325, register before July 19th those 8th – 12th grades this spring
If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund and be sure to register early for the best price for your camp.
Pizza and Video Games – Sunday, June 25th – Outing to Astral Games, starting with Pizza! We will meet at Medford Friends Church @ 11 a.m. and have pizza and drinks, then head to Astral Games by noon. Cost is $5 each and each participant needs to have a current parental/guardian permission slip on file. If you have not completed one or have changes, please see Patsy Burton or Drew Krupp for a form. We will return to MFC at 3 p.m.
Ashley Krupp Baby Shower – Ladies, come celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby boy Krupp. We will gather on
Saturday, July 1st @ 11 a.m. – Brunch will be served. Ashley is registered at Target. Join us for this fun celebration of the gift of new life from our Lord. If you have questions, see Patsy Burton or call 541-941-4800.
June Bugs
Spring time growing up was a time for exploring the world around me and finding wonder around every corner. It was also a time for June Bugs. These crazy bugs flew around and would often congregate around the screen door to our house. They were attracted by the light on our front porch and without fail each evening as we turned the light on a fleet of these guys would head towards the light. The trajectories they took often looked like a group of sleepy drivers weaving all over the place and up and down. They would strike the house, door, light, and anything close to it. In their rush to get to the light they often wounded themselves. They were so eager by what attracted them that they flew a bit recklessly.
I wonder what our attraction to Christ looks like to others. Does it seem reckless? Do we look like a fleet of sleepy drivers weaving all over the place as we head to our destination? Maybe we seem like we are floating slowly towards Him? As we head into the summer season I hope that we consider what our desire for Christ looks like in our lives. I hope that we can find ourselves moving towards Him on a daily basis. Like clockwork I hope that when Christ shines His light on us we go flying towards Him and His love. I hope that we are a little bit more like June Bugs.