The Pastor’s Blog
Due to the smokey conditions, Jack and Sue are cancelling “movies on the patio” at their house on Saturday, Sept. 9th. They don’t want you to have to breathe smokey air while enjoying the movie.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group will hold their Baked Goods Event to celebrate the beginning of a new school year on Sunday, September 10th. You’ll find them in the fellowship hall during the fellowship time between services. All baked goods are sold by donation and this year a portion of their earnings will go towards Jesse’s mission trip to Russia this month.
Saturday, September 9th – It’s Movies on the Patio
Movie begins between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. At Jack and Sue Hamilton’s
Come cool off with the movie “Snow Dogs”
Please bring your own lawn chairs (no loungers) Popcorn and punch will be furnished
All Church Potluck Sunday, September 17th
Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food Sunday, September 17th. We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon. Bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
From our Elders: Jesse leaves September 18th to join the team from Northwest Yearly Meeting on a mission trip to Russia. We request your prayers for this group as they travel, and if you have not yet had the opportunity to support Jesse financially you can still send funds to Northwest Yearly Meeting 200 N. Meridian Street, Newberg, OR 97132 marked Jesse Davis-Russia or designate your check to MFC the same.
“Grace” NWYM Friends Women Retreat September 29 – October 1, 2017 Guest Speaker: Retha McCutchen – At Twin Rocks Friends Camp Register now! Brochures are on the usher’s table in the foyer.
FWMF meets Thursday, September 21st This will be their first meeting of the 2017-18 program year with the theme being “That They May Know” Isaiah 45:6. Meet at MFC at 10:30 a.m. All ladies are welcome to join us. Following the meeting we will have fellowship time and lunch.
Talent Friends Church extends an invitation to join them in a night of family fun and treats Friday, September 22nd at 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for games, potluck desert and ice cream! Bring a game, bring a goodie, we will provide the ice cream. Hope to see you there!
Please remember the Burton family in prayer for the loss of Debi Samples, the daughter of Bobi Burton and sister of Mark and Ron Burton, went to be with the Lord on August 25th. She will be remembered for her love of teaching and volunteering with children at her home church as well as the Boys & Girls Club in Albany, OR.
Faith Beyond Reason
As I am preparing for my upcoming trip to Russia I am thinking about the opportunity I will have to experience God’s presence in another culture. I am looking forward to all that I will learn from our Russian friends and their experiences with Jesus in their daily lives. I wonder what wonders I will experience in that place and with the people that God has planned for me to be with during my time there. I am also thinking of my family. They are worried that I am going to a potentially dangerous area at a volatile time. They think I am a little crazy for going to Russia when tensions between our nations are so high. They question the wisdom of such actions and I am tempted to agree with them. They have always been good about looking out for me and their care for me in this instance is shown by their worry.
Sometimes God asks us to do things that don’t make sense to the world. Things which are exciting and scary and life changing. Things that push us and pull us into being the people that God created us to be. We are asked to imagine a world where God is going before us and with us and after us no matter the situation we face. We are tasked with having a faith beyond reason. Writing about the opportunity that God has given me has to start with recognizing that He is already doing things to make this trip something that honors Him. In spite of the potential for this situation to go wrong I am trusting that God will use whatever happens for His purposes and plans. I may not understand why this thing or that thing happens on this earth but I trust that God is working in and through them for His purposes and one day I will look back at what has happened and recognize that the faith I place in my Savior is not beyond reason at all.
1000 Pairs of Shoes
We are accepting donations of new shoes up until Easter time of next year. Many individuals and families in our community are unable to purchase new shoes for themselves so this is a way we are giving them a chance to have something that is just theirs and they get to pick out. Please help us bless our community by participating in any way that you can for this shoe drive!
New Arrival Shoes may be placed on the pew up front on the platform in the sanctuary on Sunday or given to one of the ushers! We want to tally them before they are placed behind the pew. Ninety-one pairs of shoes have been donated so far.
Join us for an afternoon of fun!
Pool Party & BBQ
at Stan & Earlene Schlosser’s
Sunday afternoon, August 20th
2 p.m. the pool will be open, it is not heated!
BBQ at 4 p.m.
We’ll provide the hotdogs & hamburgers
Please bring your favorite salad or dessert to share
Please bring your own lawn chairs
Mark Your Calendars Now! It’s Movies on the Patio September 9, 2017 Movie begins about 8 p.m. At Jack and Sue Hamilton’s
Come cool off with the movie “Snow Dogs” Please bring your own lawn chairs (no loungers) Popcorn and punch will be furnished
Hello Friends,
I am excited! I have been asked to join a small team of Northwest Yearly Meeting Friends on a trip to Russia in September. This is an honor and opportunity for me to use my gifts as a minister of the gospel in a new context and to learn about a culture that has fascinated me for years. The trip is planned as a journey of encouragement and learning about our Russian brothers and sisters.
The leaders of this trip, Johan and Judy Maurer, have lived for over 9 years outside of Moscow, developing a ministry with students and young adults. They would like to have me on the trip specifically to work with these young people. Interacting with my Russian peers would give them an example of a young person for whom following Jesus is the core of their life.
If you think that this is a valuable endeavor I ask for your support. If you would like to help make this trip a possibility please do so by sending funds to Northwest Yearly Meeting (200 North Meridian Street, Newberg, OR 97132) marked “Jesse Davis – Russia” – this is a tax-deductible gift and you would receive a receipt from the yearly meeting for your records. I need a total of $2500 and currently have $1000 raised already.
This experience will only be possible with your support. I ask that you prayerfully consider giving to this journey. Even if you are unable to give financial support at this time your prayers for a successful and fruitful trip are needed.