The Pastor’s Blog
Game Night with Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate November 4th at 6:30 p.m. at MFC
Join us for a fun get-together for everyone!
The Activities Committee has planned a Game Night with refreshments November 4th at 6:30 p.m. at MFC. Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate will be provided, attendees are asked to bring ice cream toppings and their favorite game to share.
Medford Friends Kids! Grades 1 through 6
We are going to the Science Works in Ashland on Sunday, November 6th. We will leave MFC at 11 a.m. and return at 3 p.m. Bring $5 for lunch and entry fee. All kids will need to have permissions slips, if you have turned in one for previous events, we only need a new one if information has changed! If you have questions contact Drew Krupp or Patsy Burton.
Please be praying for God's comfort and peace to be upon Pastor Jesse and his family following the passing of his brother in Arizona. He will be staying with his family for a time as they work through this time together.
Josh and Audra Cadd thank you for your prayers and financial support for their family. The Cadd family serves with Wycliffe Associates and DOOR International, their mission prayer reminder cards are located on the usher’s table, please take one. The information on the back is helpful in keeping up with their ministry.
Ladies Fellowship Meeting for Sharing/Caring/Praying
The group will meet on Tuesday, November 1st at Patsy Burton’s: 2500 Bethany Court, Medford. All ladies are welcome 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Friends Women Christmas Bazaar & Bake Sale at Talent Friends Church, 50 Talent Ave.
Saturday, November 5th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Lots of baked goods, local fruit jams, handcrafted items & a bargain basement featuring gently used items. Luncheon served from 11 a.m. to closing with vegetable beef soup, bread and pie.
Administrative Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Committee Clerks, let's be ready to jump into sharing what our committees are planning and where we might work together and/or help one another.
Farewell for Ilene Ogier
Ilene Ogier has been a part of Medford Friends Church for over 65 years. Through those years she has ministered and shared the love of Jesus through music and teaching and being a loving friend to all.
Ilene is moving to Friendsview Manor in Newberg and November 13th will be her last Sunday with us. To say “thank you” and “until we meet again” we will celebrate with Ilene during our fellowship time between worship and Sunday School. Everyone is encouraged to bring a card of thanks and blessing to share with her.
The November FWMF Meeting will be held at MFC on Thursday, November 17th, at 10 a.m. All ladies are welcome to join us in the fireside room. Following the meeting there will be a buffet luncheon.
Thanksgiving Potluck – November 20th
Please join us for a time of celebration, fellowship and good food! We will meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. The church will provide the Turkey and Ham. Please bring Thanksgiving sides dishes and desserts to share.
The Friends Women Missionary Fellowship group will hold their Harvest Baked Goods Sale on Sunday, November 20th. Be sure to take advantage of their specialties that will compliment your Thanksgiving dinner! There will be pies, cakes, cookies, as well as quick and yeast breads/rolls, and candy. Purchases can be made during the fellowship time following worship. Proceeds will support Friends Serving /Teaching Abroad, our local church, and community.
Volunteer Needed to facilitate the senior’s Sunday School class. Please be praying about a new leader for the class. They use Adult Friends curriculum, reading through it in class with some discussion. Please contact Christian Ed. clerk, Patsy Burton for details.
Requirement to work with our youth at MFC
In compliance with the Mandatory Abuse Prevention Standards of NWYM anyone working with minors in our congregation must go through a training session and renew their background checks. This is a requirement to work with our youth. If you were unable to attend one of the classes last month we will work with you on getting the training and background check done, contact the church office.
Samaritan's purse – Operation Christmas Child
We have an opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to children all over the world through shoeboxes that demonstrate Jesus’ love. Printed Operation Christmas Child boxes are available on the table in the main hallway (or any standard size shoebox will work as well). There are printed instruction pamphlets with gift suggestions for filling the boxes, be sure to take note! Things have changed, as what is allowed and be sure to include $7 or more with each shoebox to help with shipping and other expenses. Be sure boxes are returned to MFC by Wednesday, November 16th.
From Kenya to Bulgaria!
On Sunday, October 23rd during the worship hour Josh and Audra Cadd and family will be with us sharing a little about their recent call to change ministry location, by moving to Bulgaria! The Cadds serve with Wycliffe Associates and DOOR International, Deaf Opportunity Outreach, they have been in Nairobi the past 10 years. We will be taking a love offering for the Cadd family that Sunday to help support their ministry. Here are ways we can be praying for their family:
~ Please pray for our safety as we continue traveling.
~ Pray for the translation team in Eurasia as they set up the new office & work with Josh long
~ Please pray for strength & stamina for us as we are out of our “routine” & stepping into new
The Activities Committee meets Sunday, October 9th at noon in the fireside room.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month!
Anniversary All Church Potluck, Join us in Celebrationg 74 Years! Sunday, October 16th at noon
Please join us for a time of celebration, fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring a main dish and a salad or vegetable to share. Cake will be provided for dessert.
Week Night Home Studies:
Monday at 6:30 p.m. Phebe McManama hosts a Home Bible Study. Marilyn Johnston leads the study. If you have questions contact Phebe or Marilyn.
Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Stan & Earlene Schlosser hosts a soup & bread meal & Home Bible Study in the book of Romans. If you’d like more info contact Earlene.
Requirement to work with our youth at MFC
Hey Friends, anyone who has been working with minors in our congregation needs to renew their background checks and go through a training session provided by the Yearly Meeting. This is to bring us in line with the Mandatory Abuse Prevention Standards which were approved at our Yearly Meeting sessions. Our goal is to help maintain a safe environment for the students who come and worship with us. In order to do so we are offering three dates in October, the 9th, 16th, and 23rd during the Sunday School hour to complete this task. If you are unable to attend a class on one of the Sundays we will work with you on getting the background check and the training done, contact Pastor Jesse. This is a requirement to work with our youth. Please let us know which Sunday works for you by putting your name and date in the comment section on the “Response Sheet” in the bulletin and drop it in the wooden box on the usher’s table in the foyer. Thank you!
Workday here at MFC – Mark Your Calendar!
The Stewards have scheduled an all church workday for Saturday, October 29th, at 9 a.m. to noon. There will be both indoor and outdoor projects to be completed. Everyone is invited to share in the fun!
Can you believe it, Operation Christmas Child “Collection Week” is only 6 weeks away!
We are excited to participate in this ministry again this year. Start collecting items now. Our table will be set up in the main hallway with all the important information or look on line now at
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Meeting All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC Thursday, October 20th, at 10 a.m.
Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Events:
Talent Friends FWMF Christmas Bazaar Saturday,Nov.5th.
MFC FWMF Pre-Thanksgiving Bake Sale Sunday, Nov 20th.
Volunteer Library Help Needed!
Sue Hamilton our faithful librarian has retired and we are looking for someone who would be interested in caring for this ministry. Sue will be available for training. Please circle “L” on your “Response Sheet” in the bulletin and drop it in the wooden box on the usher’s table in the foyer or contact Pastor Jesse.
1. Youth & Young Adult 2. Local Outreach
3. Leadership & Development 4. Congregational Care
5. Christian Education
If there are any members interested in filling these positions and are hearing the call by God to serve in an area that you have been given a gift, please contact your local Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee members. Contact Teresa Bartell, at Talent Friends Church 541-535-1169, to get a consent form to apply for a Board or Committee you are interested in. If you have any questions see Pastor Jesse.
Just a Reminder Sunday, November 6th, Daylight Savings Time Ends. Be sure to set your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night, November 5th.
Costumes and Celebrations
I don’t know about you but I have had a very full and crazy summer!
I was able to go and participate in a couple of youth camps and spend time at yearly meeting. I had some health problems and got them sorted out. I had some time out rafting and sightseeing around the valley. It has been a busy season for me! If that is the case for you, too, then I bet you are looking forward to a time of gathering and rest.
Fall is a season where people bring in the harvest and get together for celebrations. It is the beginning of many things, school, and work often picks up a bit more for us. Trips aren’t scheduled unless it has to do with a holiday. We find ourselves putting on the regular schedule and getting back to normal. This can be a good thing but often it results in us going back to the same old costumes and masks that we wear to be accepted in the different parts of our lives.
The challenge I am trying to live into this season is to refuse the costume and leave the mask off for the sake of authenticity. As our students and young people are gearing up for a return to their “normal” lives and schedule can we adults live as examples of authenticity. Can we refuse to wear the costumes and masks that society calls us to? Can we instead live with authenticity before one another and, more importantly, before God?