The Pastor’s Blog
Everyone is invited to join us
Saturday, June 6th, at 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
We will be serving breakfast to start off the workday at 8 a.m. The breakfast will be scrumptious, the fellowship outstanding, and of course the work we complete will give all a sense of accomplishment.
Some of the projects: *Clean out sanctuary gutters *Clean off flat roof *Shrub/tree pruning *Window cleaning *Kitchen cleaning *Weed spray on parking lot
If you plan to attend please circle “B” on the back of your Response/Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and turn it in in the offering or the box on the table in the foyer. This will allow us to plan for breakfast! Thank you.
Sunday, June 7, 2015 is Promotion Sunday at MFC
Congratulations to our kids that will move up to the next class! We are recognizing those who are changing departments and graduating from high school. Following worship there will be a time of fellowship to celebrate the occasion.
- Parents please pick up your children from Nursery & Koinonia Kids following worship, so that everybody has the opportunity to participate in the celebration. Regular Sunday School schedule follows at 11 a.m.
Congratulations to Kayla Davidson
our 2015 Graduate
Kayla graduates from North Medford High School and plans to attend George Fox University in the fall.
Progressive Dinner – Saturday, June 13th
Everyone is invited to join in the fun! The event will kick off around 3:30 p.m. at the home of Phebe McManama for appetizers, with three other stops scheduled. The church van will be available for transportation. If you plan to attend please circle “P” with the number attending on the back of your Response/Information Sheet in Sunday’s bulletin and turn it in in the offering or wooden box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Meeting
All ladies are welcome to join us, we will meet at 10 a.m. at MFC in the fireside room on Thursday, June 18th, with lunch and fellowship at Wendy’s afterwards.
Deliteful Delectable for Dads!
Father’s Day – Sunday, June 21, 2015
FWMF Baked Goods (price by donation)
Twin Rocks Camp Brochures are located on the table in the foyer.
Girls Camp: June 28th – July 3rd, $284 if registered by June 12th
Tween Camp: July 5th – July 11th, $308 if registered by June 19
Boys Camp: July 12th – July 17th, $284 if registered by June 26th
Surfside Camp: Aug. 2nd – Aug. 8th, $308 if registered by July 17th
If you participated in the camp auction, contact the church office to get your scholarship refund and be sure to register early for the best price for your camp!
Sunday, June 28, 2015 – Called Meeting at MFC
On Sunday, June 28th at 5 p.m. the Elders have called a meeting to discuss the Faith & Practice of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church – concerning the section on human sexuality.
California Baptist University’s Women’s Choir
At MFC Friday, May 8th, at 7 p.m.
This will be a great time of fellowship and worship for the church and a good event to invite your friends to.
Help our Kids go to Twin Rocks Friends Camp!
MFC’s Annual Camp Auction – Wednesday, May 13, 2015!
Join us for dinner and a silent auction at starting at 6pm; followed by a short live auction starting at 7pm. Dinner menu: fajita’s, beans, fiesta rice & fruit, $10 for adults & $5 for children under 12 with the proceeds going towards the camp scholarship fund. Join us at the live auction to thank our long time auctioneer, Duane Brood, for his service these many years. Popular items to provide for the auction include baked goods, handmade items, antiques and collectables.
Sign-Up Sheets are located in the Fellowship Hall, Harmony Hall & Ross Chapel.
You can pick up a Twin Rocks Camp Brochure from the table in the foyer.
All Church Business Meeting – Sunday, May 17th There will be an all church business meeting to consider the proposed budget for 2015. We will meet in the sanctuary after the worship service. Sunday School will follow the meeting. Also that day is our All Church Potluck! Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon, bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Meeting All ladies are welcome to join us, we will meet at 10 a.m. at MFC in the fireside room on Thursday, May 21st. A buffet luncheon follows the meeting. |
Don't Forget!
Bo chance, Curtis! Come say Good Luck, God Speed, and Good-bye to Curtis Garrett on May 25th. Curtis is moving to Louisiana to join his girlfriend of nearly 5 years at the end of May. We will be hosting an open house at 467 DeBarr from 2 to 4 p.m. on Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day). No gifts please, but a money tree will be available.
Seniors You Are Invited to Join Strong Friends!
STRONG FRIENDS meet M-W-F from 9 to 10 a.m. We follow a program devised by Tuft's University We exercise at the church and you are welcome to join us any time.
I lead the class as a volunteer and there is no fee for doing the exercises that have kept us more flexible, stronger and less likely to fall. Curious if this would work for you or with questions, call 541-770-3711–Teddie Hight.
Well, mark your calendars, a progressive picnic is scheduled for Saturday, June 13th. The event kicks off around 3:30 p.m. at Phebe McManama's for appetizers, with three other stops scheduled. The church van will be available for transportation. More information will be announced later!
That word strikes me. It is used to describe a group or person who has never lost. It is not a word that I often ascribe to myself. I have lost in my life. I have started things and failed to complete them. I have been defeated. These defeats have helped me to learn perseverance and what it means to live with failures as a part of your history. American’s love winners; we love to have a connection to the winning group. We want to feel success through their victories. We invest heavily in sports teams who are winners. Sports teams invest in players who have a proven record of wins, or the potential to build a winning record with them. We want to win.
Recently I have been coaching soccer for the U8 league that is here in Medford. Our guys range in age from 6-8, they are wild, they are wacky, and they are worth every minute spent with them. Their youthful exuberance at playing the game gives me joy. What makes me even happier as a first year coach is that they are winning. I am not sure we are supposed to keep track of that. I can tell you that the guys certainly do. They know what winning feels like. They are undefeated. This is certainly not due to any coaching acumen that I have. This is my first time coaching and because of the group of guys that I have been given we are winning. They want to win, they strive to do well, and they want to be on the field giving their all. They also have to sit, they have to learn to wait and to play in positions they don’t feel are as valuable. They have to work outside their strengths to make the whole team better. They have to learn how to lose. Not just how to lose, but how to lose well. They can define themselves as winners right now but when the first loss comes they may define themselves as losers. How they view who they are is important; this is most likely why in youth sports leagues nowadays we have trophies for all participants. What they base their view of their self on is often tied to their actions, the results they get.
As Christians we have the chance to help people redefine who they are, not based on their actions or the results they get. We have a message that ties who they are to something they have no control over, that is unchanging, that is forever going to be positive, and that can reshape not just their perception of their life but the way they live. We have the chance to help people recognize that they were created to be in relationship with God, that He loves them, and that He has made a way for them to be with Him. We have the chance to offer them a perception of their self that is based on what God see’s when He looks at them and not what they typically measure their life with. God has created each person to be with Him. He wants us all to be His children, alive in His kingdom, living for His purpose. To live in this truth requires surrender to His will and ways. Surrender feels like defeat. And everyone wants to win. How do we convince people that the only way to truly live an undefeated life is to surrender to the ultimate victor? We live in the victory that Christ has provided for us and let other people see what this surrender has done for us. This month, I am asking that we live as an undefeated people because of the things that God has done on our behalf and that we invite people to join us as we learn what it means to be part of Christ’s victorious team.
In The Garden
The chard that over wintered has been producing well, but it is starting to bolt. I have taken out a few plants and am replacing them with new starts. Get fresh chard while it is still going before it bolts or wait for the new.
The snap peas in the front bed show an amazing difference between the ones I started in a cold frame and transplanted compared to the ones I direct planted shortly afterwards. They are starting to bloom! I have decided to try beans the same way.
One more bed finished and one to go! Gardeners are planting now and we have two new youngsters excited about gardening with their parents.
I was doing some work at the compost bin and saw where corn that was left on stalks after last year had fallen on the ground and are now sprouting, so I planted our first block of corn.
Potatoes survived the last mild frost and are doing well. Three weeks before our average last frost date.
Hope you are having fun too!