The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Ladies Meetings for October:

Ladies Fellowship Group All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet Tuesday, October 7th, at 7 p.m. at the home of Ann Loar. Denise Fleming is co-hostess.

FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister.  All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, October 16th, at 10 a.m.  We will have lunch out at Wendy’s following the meeting.

Birthday Celebration for Dick Krupp

There will be a 90th Birthday Celebration Reception for Dick Krupp on Sunday, October 12th, in the fellowship hall from noon to 2 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. No gifts, please, but cards are welcome. All are invited.


72nd Church Anniversary – All Church Potluck Sunday, October 19th

1942 – 2014 Celebrating with joy in our hearts!

Please join us for a time of celebration, fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.


Crossing Volunteer Needed For Howard Elementary

Howard Elementary principal Javier del Rio would like to begin having a crossing guard at the intersection of Merriman Road and DeBarr Ave., for a short time before and after school to help kids who walk to school to safely navigate that crossing. If you would like to help with this need please contact the church office and we will get you more information.


Mark Your Calendars for the Harvest Carnival at Howard School – Sunday, October 26th

Watch for more information to come.


Operation Christmas Child “Good News.  Great Joy.”

Share God’s love and the Joy of Christmas by packing a gift-filled shoe box for a child overseas.  Your simple gift can make an eternal difference. 

We have 40 preprinted decorative shoe boxes available on the table display in the hallway.  Remember, any standard size shoeboxes or 6-Quart plastic shoe boxes will do.

Information and suggested gifts for the boxes are available on the table in the hallway.  Please remember to include $7.00 or more with each shoe box to help with the shipping and other expenses.

Filled Shoe boxes and $7.00 or more per shoe box need to be dropped off at the church office by Wednesday November 12th so we can get them to the drop off point on time.

More information about Operation Christmas Child can be found at


Blast From The Past Party Friday, November 7th – 7 p.m.

Come dressed in costume from a memorable decade. Is it the 1800’s, 1920’s, 1970’s, or 2000’s?  Whatever, be creative and start planning your unique outfit.  There will be Name That Tune, hula hoops and other fun games for the whole family.  Bring your favorite finger food and prepare for a good time. 


Financial Report

                    September 2014          Year-to-date

Income          $14,756.80                $143,650.20

Expenses        12,610.22                  145,865.70

Difference         2,146.58                     -2,215.50

We thank God for His generous provision to us as His people and church and we thank everyone who supports the ministries of Medford Friends through your time, talents, gifts and prayer.



Just A  Reminder 

Sunday, November 2ndh Daylight Savings Time Ends. Be sure to set your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night, November 1st.



Recently I had a small tech device that I needed to destroy so I grabbed my small sledge hammer and started hitting it. The first couple of times that I hit it I couldn’t believe that the device wasn’t destroyed, but instead the hammer just bounced off without causing any real damage. I thought to myself, that is one tough device. After several more hits I finally realized that I had grabbed my rubber mallet instead of my small sledge hammer, they have the same size handle and hammer head, but deliver a vastly different wallop. Recognizing my mistake I changed hammers and quickly completed my task.

That experience got me to wondering how many times I’ve grabbed the wrong tool to do the work of God’s kingdom, like:

Grabbing action without thought instead of waiting and seeking God’s will in prayer.

Grabbing worry or fear instead of faith.

Grabbing frustration and irritation instead of love and grace.

Grabbing the first words that come to mind rather than considering the impact of what I say.

Grabbing words that hurt rather words that build up.

Grabbing presumption rather than knowledge.

Grabbing impatience rather than patience.

Grabbing anger instead of joy.

Grabbing conflict and strife instead of peace.

When it comes to the work of God’s kingdom grabbing the right tool the first time really does make a difference, which is why this Sunday, October 5, we’ll begin a series in worship on the Fruit of the Spirit.

I hope you will make it a priority to join us and to allow God to continue developing His character in you so you have all of the right tools to do His work.

                                        God’s Grace and Peace,



Home Study for September 29 through October 4, 2014

Monday – Read Psalm 25:4-7
What words are used to describe God’s love in this passage?
Is this the same love that He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?

Tuesday – Read Psalm 31:16, 36:7-9 and 63:3
What words are used to describe God’s love in these verses?
Is this the same love that He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?

Wednesday – Read Jeremiah 31:3 and 33:11
How is God’s love described in these verses?
Is this the same love He has for you?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to God’s love?

Thursday – Read Romans 5:1-8
What is the greatest evidence of His love that has God given us?
How does it make you feel to know that God loves you that much?
How can such a love help you to overcome anything you may face?
How will you respond to God’s love?

Friday – Read I John 3:1 and 4:18
What does it mean that God “has lavished” His love on us?
How does it make you feel to know that God loves you that much?
Who can love with “perfect love?”
Why does receiving that love drive out fear?
What fear do you need God to drive out of your life in these days?
Invite Him to work in you.

Saturday – Read Galatians 5:22-23


Home Study for September 22 through 27, 2014

Monday – Read Psalm 42:1-2 and 11-12
Can you think of a time when you thirsted for God like this?
What did you do? What did God do? What happened?
Ask God to meet the thirst in your soul and take time to listen and experience His response.

Tuesday – Read Psalm 44:1-3
What value is there in recounting what God has done in the lives of other people? In your life?
List five unexpected ways God has worked in your life.
According to verse 3, what gave victory to God’s people?
What gives us victory in our lives?

Wednesday – Read Hebrews 4:14-16
Why can we trust Jesus in our time of need?
What confidence does this give us when we need His help?
What do you need Jesus to do in your life today?
Ask Him to work and wait and listen for His answer.

Thursday – Read Isaiah 40:28-31
What should we do when we feel weak or need God’s direction?
What should we do as we wait?
What does God promise to do?
Take time to wait upon the Lord and be open to His leading.

Friday – Read Isaiah 50:4-5
What keys to Isaiah’s relationship with God do you see here?
Why was Isaiah able to hear from God?
Ask God to open your ears so you may hear His voice and word.
What is God saying to you today? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Ephesians 5:1-2