The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study for November 3 through 8, 2014

Monday – Read II Peter 3:8-9
How would you describe God’s patience?
Where would we be without God’s patience?
How does this encourage you? Challenge you?
What will you do today to show patience to someone?

Tuesday – Read I Timothy 1:15-17
Why did Jesus come into the world?
How does His salvation display His unlimited patience?
How is our salvation a testimony to those who still need to be saved?
How might you be able to share this message with someone this week?

Wednesday – Read James 5:7-11
What example of patience are we given here?
In those days farmers were totally at the mercy of things that were not under their control, how is that like the things that make us impatient?
Why is it important for believers to be patient with one another?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?

Thursday – Read I Corinthians 13:4 and Ephesians 4:2
How is showing patience an act of love?
To whom should we show patience?
How do these verses challenge you?
How will you respond?

Friday – Read Lamentations 3:19-24
How does this passage reveal God’s patience toward us?
When does God’s compassion for us end?
How does recognizing God’s compassion and patience shown in our lives help to develop those qualities in us?
Wait upon God and give Him thanks.

Saturday – Read Isaiah 43:18-19
Why does God continually lead us to new things?
What new things is He doing in you?
Rather than being scared of the new, trust God in it.


Home Study for October 20 through 25, 2014

Monday – Read Hebrews 13:20-21
Why is it important to recognize God as the source of peace?
Might this explain why peace is often so elusive?
God equips us to do His will, how does this bring us peace?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Colossians 1:15-23
How did Jesus make it possible for us to have peace with God?
Reading verse 22, how complete would you say the peace is that Jesus gives us with God?
Why do we so often miss it?
How does this passage encourage you? How does it challenge you?
How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read I Corinthians 14:33 and Philippians 4:6-7
How does disorder rob us of peace?
How does praying instead of worrying give us peace?
How is God’s peace described in Philippians 4:7?
Is there any other peace like God’s in all creation?
How might you experience more of God’s peace?

Thursday – Read Romans 16:20 and I John 3:8
What hope do these verses give you?
Have you been living in the fullness of this peace?
What might you do to live in greater victory and greater peace?

Friday – Read Romans 12:17-19 and Hebrews 12:14
What does it mean to make “every effort?”
When do we know if we’ve made every effort to live in peace?
How do these verses challenge you?
How do these verses encourage you?

Saturday – Read Romans 15:13
Make this your prayer for yourself, your family and for our church family.


Home Study for October 13 through 18, 2014

Monday – Read Psalm 51:1-12
This is David’s prayer of forgiveness after being confronted with his sin.
Why does receiving God’s salvation bring us joy?
How can we live in that joy daily?
How can we restore that joy when we’ve sinned?
How does this passage encourage you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Psalm 122:1 and Hebrews 10:23-25
How does meeting together and worshipping and serving with other believers produce joy in our lives?
Why is this important?
How do these verses encourage you? Challenge you?
How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Philemon 1-7
What was the source of Paul’s joy here?
Who brings joy to you in this way?
How might you bring that same joy to others?

Thursday – Read II John 1-4 and II Peter 3:9
This letter was most likely sent to a specific congregation of believers.
How did John feel about those who were walking in relationship with Jesus? Why?
What does God want for every person?
What hope does this give you?
Identify some people in your life who need to come to faith in Jesus and commit yourself to pray regularly for them and to share the love and truth of Jesus with them as the Holy Spirit provides the opportunity to do so.

Friday – Read James 1:2-4
Where is God when we’re facing trials and troubles?
Why don’t we always see Him?
What is His purpose for the trials we face?
What hope does this passage give you?
How can you better partner with the Holy Spirit to grow in joy?

Saturday – Read Galatians 5:22-23


Home Study for October 6 through 11, 2014

Monday – Read Ephesians 5:1-2
As we think about being imitators of God and living a life of love, what is most intimidating to you?
What is most exciting to you?
According to verse 2, how would you describe the love of Jesus?
How might you show that same love to others this week?

Tuesday – Read John 13:33-35
Jesus gave this command to His disciples just before His arrest and ultimate death and resurrection. What does that tell us about the mportance of loving others?
Why would Jesus choose love to be the defining quality of His people?
How is the church today doing at showing love?
Pray for God to fill His people and church with His love.

Wednesday – Read Hebrews 4:14-16
How does Jesus understand the temptations we face?
What hope does that give us?
Why are we able to approach God’s throne with confidence, even when we’ve blown it?
How do you need Jesus to help you today?
God to Him and ask Him to be at work in you.

Thursday – Read Colossians 3:12-14
How does knowing that we are loved by God better enable us to show mercy, to forgive and love others?
Think of a time when you really experienced God’s love. What was happening in your life? How did you feel?
What might you do each day to experience more of God’s love fresh and anew?

Friday – Read II Thessalonians 3:1-5
One of Paul’s reasons for writing this letter was to encourage persecuted believers. What encouragement do you find here?
What do you think it means to “direct your hearts into God’s love?”
What would that do for us?
Take time to pray that prayer for yourself and our church.

Saturday – Read Galatians 5:22-23