The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Ladies Meetings for September

Ladies Meetings for September:

Ladies Fellowship Group – All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet Tuesday, September 2nd at 7 p.m. at the home of Glenda Workman.


FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister.  All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, September 18th, at 10 a.m.  A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.


Church Picnic September 7th at the Church

The Activities Committee has planned an old fashioned picnic for us that will begin around 12 noon and everyone is invited to join the fun.

For lunch, the fried chicken will be provided (along with an alternative for those who don’t eat chicken) and we’re asking everyone to bring side dishes and dessert to share potluck style.

After lunch we will have a variety of old fashioned picnic games going on around the church grounds such as sack races, three legged races, egg race, bean bag toss and more.

We are looking for volunteers to help with the games and clean-up and if you can help please circle “V” on your information sheets and turn them in during worship. Plan to come and have a good old fashioned time.

Changes in Wednesday Night Activities  Bible Study to Resume September 10th

Due to changes in personnel, and desiring to best use the time and talents of our volunteers, this next year we will not be offering a youth meeting, Wednesday Night Kids or Simple Meal as part of our Wednesday night schedule. There will be a Bible study meeting at the church at 7 p.m. and everyone is invited to attend.


PROJECTION OPERATOR NEEDED  Keeping the song lyrics, scriptures, sermon illustrations and announcements up on the screen at the right time is an important part of our worship service. Are you interested in becoming a part of this ministry? The commitment averages 2 Sunday mornings per month, and training is provided. If you have questions, or would like to volunteer, email Brett:


Shhhhhhhh! Don’t Tell!!!  There are plans to celebrate Jack Hamilton’s 75th Birthday and he hasn’t a clue!

You are invited to join the family at 5811 Shady Brook Drive in Central Point at 7 p.m. Monday September 15th.  Bless him with a card. No gifts please. (This does not appear in the newsletter sent to Hamilton’s via email.)


FWMF Bake Sale – Sunday, September 14th A back to school general bake sale, including some brown bag specials! The brown bag specials are like the “old-fashioned grab bag” – you don’t know what’s inside until you buy it! A general indicator of value will be given as necessary; otherwise the purchase price for this bake sale is by donation. Thank you for supporting missions.



I want to thank everyone who contributed to our school supply drive for students at Howard Elementary this year. The quantity and quality of the supplies was a great blessing to the staff and they are looking forward to meeting the needs of a variety of kids and their families through our gifts.

Howard has a new principal this year, Javier del Rio, and after the delivery of the supplies we collected he called to thank us for such a wonderful, unsolicited gift of support. As we talked, Mr. del Rio shared with me some of the dreams he has for both the school and the neighborhood that we share, dreams to impact and change lives by bringing a variety of resources together.

We will keep everyone alerted to future opportunities we have to bless and minister to the kids and families in our neighborhood and through Howard Elementary, but one thing we can all do on a regular basis is to pray. Some things we can pray for include:

  For the protection of the students and staff at school;

  For there to be peace and peaceful solutions for all issues and disagreements;

  For the students to be able to learn and master the new knowledge and skills they need;

  For patience and wisdom for the teachers and staff;

  For God’s work in the lives of every family;

  For God to provide for and work in a powerful way through Good News Club;

  For the needed volunteers for the SMART program and Good News Club.

One of my dreams is for Howard Elementary to be one of the most prayed for schools in the nation and I hope that you will join me and others in praying for the students and staff there.

                                           God’s Grace and Peace,



Home Study for August 18 through 23, 2014

Monday – Read Titus 3:3-8
In one or two sentences, describe what you were like before Jesus came into your life.
How would you describe what He did for you?
How are you different?
What needs to hear your story of what Jesus has done in you?

Tuesday – Read I Timothy 1:12-17
What does Paul say is the reason that Jesus saved him?
Through what did Paul receive forgiveness and life?
Why did Jesus save you?
What has He called you to do?

Wednesday – Read Titus 2:11-14
How does accepting God’s grace change our lives?
As followers of Jesus, what is the hope that we have?
How does that encourage you today?

Thursday – Read I Peter 4:7-11
How should we live in these days?
How powerful is love?
In all that we do, who deserves to receive glory?

Friday – Read Romans 12:9-21
How should we treat the people in our lives?
How can pride get in the way?
How far should we go to live in peace with others?
What if they don’t want to have peace between them and us?
How can we overcome evil?

Saturday – Read I Peter 4:8-11


Home Study for August 4 through 9, 2014

Monday – Read Philippians 4:4-7
How is the peace of Jesus described here?
Why is that?
What direction does this passage give us to receiving the peace of Jesus?
What will you do to experience more of the peace of Jesus?

Tuesday – Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18
For what can we give thanks in all circumstances?
Why can we trust that God will work for good in everything we face? (See Romans 8:28)
Take time to give God thanks for His blessings and how He is working in your life.

Wednesday – Read Psalm 119:129-136
All of Psalm 119 is about God’s word and the power it holds.
What does the psalmist say that God’s word did in his life?
How can God’s word direct our lives and set us free from sin?
What do you need God’s word do in your life these days?
What will you do to be more filled with God’s word?

Thursday – Read Romans 10:9-13
Why is the name of the Lord so powerful to save us? (See Acts 4:12)
Save us from what?
How important is it for us to be sure that when we act “in the name of Jesus” that we do what Jesus wants?
What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read II Thessalonians 1:11-12
How may the name of Jesus be glorified in us?
Why is this important?
Who needs to see Jesus in you?
What can you do to help them see Him?

Saturday – Read John 3:16