The Pastor’s Blog
Home Study for June 24 through 28, 2014
Monday – Read Psalm 103:6-13
What do we deserve because of our sin?
Why does God not treat us as we deserve?
How complete is God’s forgiveness and cleansing when we confess our sin and receive forgiveness through Jesus?
How does this passage encourage you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Colossians 3:5-14
What kind of humans barriers are broken down between the followers of Jesus? Why is this important?
How are we to treat each other in God’s family?
Why is this important?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Colossians 3:15-17
How are we called to live with each other as followers of Jesus?
Which of these do you find the easiest to do?
Which of these do you find to be the most challenging to do?
Ask the Holy Spirit to continue His work of growth in you.
Thursday – Read Colossians 4:2-6
Why is it important to be watchful and prayerful and for God to open the door for us to share His love and truth?
Paul asked for prayer as He shared Jesus, what does that say about our need for prayer?
Why is it important that our conversation with people who do not yet know Jesus be full of grace and seasoned with salt?
Pray for the Spirit to be at work in and through you.
Friday – Read I Corinthians 16:13-14
Do the calls in verse 13 seem contrary to the call in verse 14?
How can we fulfill the calls in verse 13 in love?
How do these verses challenge you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read Acts 17:1-9
Home Study for June 16 through 21, 2014
Monday – Read James 4:6-10
If humility is not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought, what is pride?
Why does God oppose the proud?
Which do you desire, God’s opposition or His grace?
What might you do to live in more of God’s grace?
Tuesday – Read Romans 12:1-3
Is there any area of your life where you think of yourself more highly than you ought?
Is there any area where you think of yourself less highly than you ought?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read II Chronicles 7:14
Why are God’s people called to humble themselves when they pray?
What are we saying to God if we don’t?
Why is the humility of believers tied to God’s healing work in their land?
What would God say is keeping Him from working more fully in our country? How will you respond to that?
Thursday – Read Psalm 25:8-10
Why is God able to guide and teach those who are humble?
Why can we trust God’s leading and teaching?
Is there anything that is keeping you from receiving God’s guidance and teaching?
What will you do about it?
Friday – Read I Peter 5:5-11
What value do you see here to being humble before God?
How does humility allow us to live more fully under God’s care?
How does humility all us to stand against Satan?
What will God do when we humbly live in His truth and power?
What is God saying to you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read Philippians 2:12-18
Kids 3rd Saturday Friends Day – Fun activities planned for this summer!
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 21, July 19, and August 19. This is a special time set aside for kids 4 years old to 3rd grade. There will be story time, arts & crafts, water balloon fights, slip & slide, games of all kinds, songs and lunch will be provided. If you haven’t already received a field day permission form please pick one up from the usher’s table in the foyer. We must have written permission for your child to participate.
For June 21st, please have kids dress for water games and bring a towel.
Summer Activities planned by the New Activities Committee
Ice-cream Social & Game Night at MFC, Wednesday, June 11th 6:30 p.m. Ice-cream provided, bring your own toppings and a favorite game!
Picnic & Nature Walk at Union Creek, Saturday, July 12th, 11 a.m. Bring your own lunch & drink. Walking & hiking available for a variety of abilities.
BBQ and Pool Party at Stan & Earlene Schlosser’s, Saturday, August 16th, 4 p.m.
Home Study for June 9 through 14, 2014
Monday – Read Isaiah 61:1-4
According to this prophecy, what did Jesus come to do?
Which of these things do you think people need to know today?
Which of these things do you need Jesus to do in you today?
Invite Jesus to work in you.
Tuesday – Read Romans 6:5-14
How does Paul describe the condition of the old self after coming to faith in Jesus? What does this mean?
What is the difference between living under the Old Testament law and living under God’s grace?
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? How is He challenging you?
How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Colossians 1:3-14
According to verse 13, from what has Jesus rescued us?
What has He brought us into?
How should we live?
What does Jesus want to do through our lives?
What is Jesus saying to you today?
Thursday – Read Genesis 2:8-17
What did God tell Adam he could eat?
What was Adam not to eat? Why?
God gives us freedom within certain limits. Why does He set those limits for us?
Have you been pushing any of His limits? What should you do?
Friday – Read Revelation 20:11-15
What two options does a person have for eternity?
What decision do we need to make to spend eternity with God?
How does our name get written in the “Book of Life?” (See John 3:16)
Who do you know who needs to believe in Jesus? Ask God to give you an opportunity to share Jesus with them soon.
Saturday – Read Philippians 2:1-11