The Pastor’s Blog
Promotion Sunday – June 8th All of our kids will move up to the next class and we will recognize those who are changing departments and graduating from high school. Following worship there will be a time of fellowship to celebrate the occasion.
Congratulations to our 2014 Graduates! Curtis Garrett graduates from North Medford High School and Takota Boone graduates from St. Mary’s High School.
Youth Group Fun Day – Tuesday, June 17th Trip to the water slides, bring your swim gear and meet at MFC at 10 a.m. Mark your calendars now and watch for more information.
Ladies Fellowship Group We will meet on Tuesday, June 3rd, at 7 p.m. at the home of Ann Loar. Pam Shinn is co-hostess. All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group Ladies join us Thursday, June 19th, at 10 a.m. for our missions meeting in the fireside room at MFC. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
FWMF Presents: “Sweet Treats Bake Sale” for Father’s Day, June 15th
Your special person gets the treat, and the money helps provide for some special felt needs of our Friends serving abroad. Cost: By donation.
Goodbye to Pastor Dave, Katie and Josiah Gomez
Dave has been our youth pastor since January 2007, and June 29th will be Pastor Dave’s last Sunday with us and we are setting aside time after worship on that day to say “Thank You.” Please bring finger food and a note of thanks to Dave for his ministry among us and to the youth in our valley.
Twin Rocks Brochures are available on the usher’s table in the foyer, register by going to
- Each camper is required to provide a copy of their immunization records.
- To save $30; please pre-register! The following prices reflect that savings!
Girls Camp – June 29-July 4 (for girls entering 4th -6th grades in the fall) $275 pre-registered by June 13th
Tween Camp – July 6 12 ((for youth entering 7th-9th grades in the fall) $298 pre-register by June 20th
Boys Camp – July 13-18 (for boys entering 4th-6th grades in the fall) $275 pre-registered by June 27th
Surfside – August 3-9 (for youth completing 8th -12th grades this spring) $298 pre-register by July 18th
Contact the church office if you have registered for a camp. If you participated in the camp auction, your scholarship refund is available at that time.
We are seeking volunteer drivers to take kids to Girls Camp, Boys Camp and Tween Camp. Call the church office for more information
Financial Report
May 2014 Year-to-date
Income $13,530.27 $80,327.22
Expenses 18,635.37 91,182.29
Difference -5,105.10 -10,855.07
We thank God for His continued provision for our needs as we seek, follow and serve Him. And we thank everyone who serves, gives to and prays for the ministry of Medford Friends Church.
From The Elders of MFC
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9
On May 18, 2014 we hosted our top pastoral candidate, Tyler Vance, and his wife Kate for a visit to our area and church. The Elders did a second interview with Tyler and he preached in our worship service. At our Business Meeting on Sunday May 25, 2014, we decided to issue an initial three year call to Tyler Vance to serve as our Pastor as Pastor Mark retires. After spending time in prayer and fasting, Tyler and Kate felt that he was not yet ready to make this move and that he would benefit from additional education.
We don’t always understand why God sometimes takes us down one path only to have that not be the ultimate path that He has for us. But one thing we do know is that as we seek and follow Him, no matter how it turns out, every path that God takes us on prepares us for what He has in store for us next, which is true for us and for Tyler and Kate.
We will continue to go forward in our search, with full confidence, trusting that in the right time God will lead us to the path and person that He has for us. We ask that everyone continue to keep our search process in your prayers and we will keep you informed as we go.
With Hope, Trust and Prayer,
MFC Elders
Home Study for June 2 through 7, 2014
Monday – Read Isaiah 40:21-26
How is God described in this passage?
What part of this description jumped out at you? Why?
What part of this description of God do you need to experience more in these days?
Ask God to make that happen.
Tuesday – Read Psalm 97:1-6
How is God described in this passage?
What difference does this make in your life?
How do you need to see God working in your life in these days?
Ask and wait before Him with an open heart.
Wednesday – Read Psalm 33:16-22
Why are things of creation a vain hope for deliverance?
What does this include?
Why can we trust in God as our hope for deliverance?
Where have you placed your hope?
Thursday – Read Romans 5:1-5
How does God work to produce hope in us?
How should this change how we view our suffering and difficulties?
How does this passage encourage you today?
Invite God to grow His hope in you.
Friday – Read Acts 16:6-10
Why did the Spirit keep Paul from Preaching in Asia?
How did God make His plan and timing known to Paul?
What would have happened if Paul has stuck to his original plan and timing?
Does God still work in our lives in the same way today?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read John 11:16-44
Home Study for May 26 through 31, 2014
Monday – Read Galatians 2:20
What does it mean to be “crucified with Christ?”
What does it mean that “Christ lives in me?”
How much does Jesus love you?
How should this impact the way you live?
Tuesday – Read Isaiah 43:1-2
What does God mean by he has “summoned you by name?”
What assurances and promises does God give us in these verses?
What does this mean to you?
How should this impact how you live for Jesus?
Wednesday – Read Isaiah 41:8-10
Why do we not need to fear when we are living for Jesus?
What does it mean that God will uphold us?
What do you need Jesus to do in your life in these days? Ask Him.
Thursday – Read Psalm 27:1-6
How is the Lord described in verse 1? Is this true for you?
Why was David able to remain confident in the troubles he faced?
What one thing did David ask of the Lord?
How did this impact his life? How would it impact yours?
What do you want to say to the Lord today?
Friday – Read Psalm 27:11-14
In verse 11, what was David’s solution to being oppressed?
What was David confident of?
What was his admonition to us in verse 14?
Spend some time waiting before the Lord and allow Him to work in you.
Saturday – Read Isaiah 40:28-31