The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Live in Peace

Recently Patsy and I had the National WWII Museumopportunity to visit the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. It was an educational, sobering and emotional experience. At every turn we were reminded of the brutality of war, of the incredible sacrifices that were made and the loss of lives and resources that accompany any war. It reminded me of the words of Claire Luce after she visited Europe during World War II. She described it as “a world where men have decided to die together because they are unable to find a way to live together.”

A similar dynamic can happen between individuals. People will choose to live in conflict because they can’t find a way to live together. And just like a war, that conflict can cause a loss of time, energy, resources and peace. This can especially be true for children who too often do not have the tools and resources to resolve the conflicts in their lives. That is why we have adopted as our theme for Vacation Bible School “Equipping Kids to Live in Peace.”

Working with Mediation Works and other community resources and using Bible stories and other activities contained in the Northwest Yearly Meeting peace trunks, we will be equipping kids to find positive ways to choose peace giving responses to the conflicts and trials that they face. Please keep this ministry in prayer, praying for our adult team, for a good number of kids to come and for God’s preparation in the heart of each person who attends or helps with this time.


Grace and Peace,
