The Pastor’s Blog
Let Your Light Shine…Matthew 5:16
We are still making candles-in-a-can for the homeless and have run out of wax and 14.5 oz. cans. If anyone has wax in any form or 14.5 oz. cans, please contact Judy Fields or put it in the “candles-in-a-can” tub located in the main hallway. Thank you for your help.
Adjusted Financial Report
December 2013 Year-to-date
Income $25,216.48 $211,025.49
Expenses 18,826.51 215,358.45
Difference 6,389.97 -4,332.96
As you may remember, we adopted a deficit budget for 2013, expecting to use $6,000 from savings to balance the budget. We are thankful to God for all of His provision and for all who contribute in so many ways to the life and ministries of Medford Friends Church.
Home Study for January 6 through 11, 2014
Monday – Read John 3:16-21
Why does God save us?
If someone has not experienced God’s salvation whose choice is that – God’s or their own?
How can you more fully shine the light of Jesus so that others may see Him and come to know Him?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read I John 4:7-11
What does God’s love in us say about us?
Since God loved us first, how should we respond?
How does our love show, or not show, God to the world?
What is God saying to you? What will you do?
Wednesday – Read Romans 5:6-11
What is significant about Jesus’ death for us?
If Jesus died for us while we were still sinners, what does that say about God’s love for us?
What does this say about how we should love and relate to those who do not yet know Jesus?
How is this different from how some in the church act towards people who do not yet know Jesus?
How does this challenge you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read I Corinthians 2:6-16
According to verse 14, why do the people who do not follow Jesus not understand His truth or ways?
How should we respond – with judgment or patience?
How does love help us to respond appropriately?
What do we have to help us live according to the ways of Jesus?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read Galatians 5:1-5
Are you living in the freedom Jesus gives you?
What robs you of that freedom? How can you respond?
How is our faith to be expressed?
How does this challenge you? Encourage you?
What is God saying to you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read Romans 12:9-21
Former Pastor Paul Baker was called home to be with Jesus on December 26, 2013. A memorial service will be held on January 11, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. at Sherwood Friends Church.