The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study for October 6 through 12, 2013

Monday – Read I Corinthians 3:1-9
Why does Paul say the Corinthian believers are acting “worldly?”
What does that mean to you?
How does Paul correct their wrong thinking?
What is this passage saying to you?

Tuesday – Read I Corinthians 3:10-11
What foundation did Paul lay for the believers in Corinth?
What can we do to properly build on that foundation in our own lives?
Why is this important?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read I Corinthians 3:12-15
What is more important, the foundation on which our lives are built or the outside appearances of our lives? Why?
What is more important, the appearance of our lives or the quality of our lives?
How can we live lives of quality for Jesus?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?

Thursday – Read I Corinthians 3:16-17
What does it mean that we are “God’s temple?”
How then should we view our lives?
How should we view the lives of others?
How does this challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read I Corinthians 3:18-23
Why is the wisdom of this age foolishness in God’s sight?
Can you think of any ways that this truth is being proven in these days?
Where does true wisdom come from and how can we obtain it?
Rather than following men who does Paul call the Corinthians to follow?
What is this passage saying to you?

Saturday – Read Matthew 8:1-4


Home Study for September 30 through October 5, 2013

Monday – Read Luke 6:26
What do false prophets often tell people?
Why do they do this?
Why is this so dangerous?
What are some lies that false prophets and false teachers are spreading today?

Tuesday – Read II Peter 2:1-10
How do false prophets deceive people?
What is their motivation for doing so?
How will God deal with false prophets?
What does this passage say to you?

Wednesday – Read II Timothy 4:1-5
Why do people often listen to false prophets and false teachers?
Why is this so destructive?
How can we keep from being deceived?
What is this passage saying to you?

Thursday – Read Acts 17:11-12
What did the Bereans do when they head the teaching of Paul?
Do you think Paul was offended by this? Why?
What was the result of Paul’s teaching and the study of the people?
What truth can you take from this passage and put into practice in your life today?

Friday – Read II Timothy 2:15-19
What does it mean to correctly handle the word of truth?
How does that help us to be a workman approved by God?
How does it help us to avoid false teaching?
What is the only foundation on which we can stand?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 7:24-29


Home Study for September 23 through 28, 2013

Monday – Read Psalm 19:1-3
What is one way that God has revealed Himself to humankind?
Is there any place where God’s glory and truth cannot be seen?
Why has God revealed Himself so completely?
Why do humans choose to ignore what God has shown them?

Tuesday – Read Joshua 24:14-15
What choice was Joshua putting before the people?
What did he choose?
These are the two choices humans have faced since the Garden of Eden, who do you choose to serve?
How will that impact your life today and every day?

Wednesday – Read John 14:1-6
What does Jesus call Himself here?
What hope does this give us?
What does a person have to do to experience Jesus as the way, the truth and the life?
What is this passage saying to you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Luke 14:15-23
In this parable about heaven, how did the first invitees to the banquet respond to the invitation they received?
How did the man respond to his guests not coming?
Who got invited instead?
How does this give us a picture of God and His offer of salvation and life?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Luke 15:1-7
How does Jesus feel about people who have not yet received the salvation and life that He offers to all people?
How does heaven respond when a lost soul chooses Jesus?
What hope does this give you? How does it challenge you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 7:15-23


Home Study for September 16 through 21, 2013

Home Study

Monday – Read Acts 1:1-8
Jesus calls us followers to be witnesses for Him in an ever expanding area. Jerusalem would refer to the people closest to us.
Why is it sometimes easier to support missions work across the world than to reach out to the people closest to us with the Gospel?
How does this challenge you?
How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Romans 3:21-24
Who needs to receive Jesus as Savior?
Are there any exclusions?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?

Wednesday – Read Isaiah 64:6
Why are all of our human acts of righteousness like filthy rags in comparison to the holiness of God?
What does this say about our ability to save ourselves by our good deeds?
Why do people insist on believing their good deeds can save them?

Thursday – Read Romans 10:9-15
How important is it for people to hear the truth of Jesus?
How important is it for us to find ways to share the truth of Jesus with people who do not know Him?
What are some ways that we can let the light of Jesus shine out of us?
What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read I Peter 3:15-16
What is the hope that we have through Jesus?
Why is it so important to share this hope with gentleness and respect?
What does the way we share Jesus say about Jesus?
How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?

Saturday – Read Matthew 7:13-14