The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study for September 9 through 14, 2013

Monday – Read James 4:1-10
Why do our human desires so often cause us friction with others and even with God?
What are some things mentioned here that we can do to ensure that we have the right motives when we ask God to work and act in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world?
How does this passage challenge you? How does it encourage you?
How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Deuteronomy 4:25-31
These are God’s words to His people before crossing into the Promised Land; words that apply to us as His people today.
What promise does God give to those who will seek Him?
What hope does this give you?
What do you need to seek the Lord in in these days?

Wednesday – Read James 1:2-5
If we don’t know what to do, what are we called to do?
Is it good to seek God’s wisdom even when we think we know what to do? Why?
Why does God give us the wisdom we need and seek?
For what do you need God’s wisdom today?
Ask Him to reveal His will to you.

Thursday – Read Matthew 7:12
How do you want to be treated by others?
How does treating other people with love, as God loves us, help them to see Him?
How does this verse challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Galatians 5:22-26
How does the Holy Spirit in us change the way we view ourselves, how we view others and the choices we make?
How does that help us as we ask, seek, knock and love others?
Invite the Holy Spirit to continue working to develop His fruit in you.

Saturday – Read Matthew 9:9-13




Prayer Reminder

On Sunday August 18, Pastor Mark Burton announced to the congregation that he had met with the Administrative Committee and the Elders to begin the process of transitioning for retirement. While the exact date is being left to God’s timing, Mark and Patsy sense that God would have him retire possibly as soon as June 30, 2014, or as late as June 30, 2015. Please be praying for God’s leading as we go through this process together, that there would be a unified vision and excitement for what God has planned for our body as we prepare and pursue calling a new senior pastor.


T-Shirt Day at MFC

Sunday, September 15th has been designated MFC T-shirt Day and everyone is invited to wear your MFC T-shirt to worship.

This is also our All Church Potluck Sunday. 

Join us in the fellowship hall following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish, and a salad, vegetable or dessert, enough to feed eight people.



New Sunday Morning Study

Marilyn Johnston is leading a new study in the fellowship hall classroom. They will be examining what Friends believe and looking at how that applies to our daily lives. Everyone is welcome to attend.



Hands and Feet of Jesus Ministry – September Clothing Give Away

We are specifically looking for warm clothes and coats, for kids through adults. Please look through your closets to see if you might have some gently used clothing that you would like to donate. There is a box in the main hallway for your donations or you may also bring them to the office Monday through Thursday. More details to come.

Ministry Opportunity – Clothing Give-away

Our warm clothing drive is off and running. If you would like to give leadership to how we distribute the clothing we receive please contact Carla Tappero, you can leave a message at 541-826-4933.


Ladies Fellowship Meeting  All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing and caring fellowship. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7 p.m. at the home of Dawn DuLong. Patsy Burton will co-host.


Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister.  All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, we will meet at MFC on Thursday, September 19th at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting


Wednesday Night Activities will resume September 11th 

6 p.m. is our Simple Meal with Wed. Night Kids, Youth Group and Adult Study at 7 p.m.

If you haven’t been here on Wednesday evenings in the past, come and join us this year!





MFC Youth to Impact Primetime September 25th

Where Youth Groups Hangout Together!

Bring your friends for some fun, fellowship and food! 

At Bobbio’s Pizza in Central Point

8:30 to 10 p.m. The last Wednesday of every month

Large slice of pizza and soft drink – $5



During the forest fires in Southern Oregon in early August smoke was filling the valley and it was hard to even be outside. At that time it seemed logical to pray for a drenching rain to sweep through the area to clear the air and to help with the fires.

For days I prayed fervently for such a rain to come upon us without ever imagining that God would answer my prayer while we were driving on I-5 in the area where the fires were located. The rain was indeed drenching, just like I had prayed; it was like driving through the final rinse in a car wash, only it went on and on and on.

As I was driving and giving God thanks for the rain that was so desperately needed my wife Patsy began praying another prayer, “Lord, we can’t see where we’re going, please keep us safe.” And I am happy to say that God answered that prayer too.

For me, this was a great reminder that while we pray we don’t always know the future and we need to stay alert and we need to be open to adjusting our prayers as the Holy Spirit leads and circumstances change, but most of all, we need to keep praying.

                                       God’s Grace and Peace,



Home Study for September 2 through 7, 2013

Monday – Read James 4:4-12

James speaks of people being enemies of God but that we are not to judge our neighbor, is this hard for us to reconcile in our minds? Why?

According to this passage, what are some things we should do in our relationship with God?

How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?


Tuesday – Read I Samuel 16:6-7 and Galatians 2:6

In I Samuel, the Lord is using the prophet Samuel to identify the next king of Israel, what truth did the Lord speak to Samuel?

What are we warned against doing in Galatians 2:6?

Why is it so tempting to judge by outward appearances?

Why is it so dangerous to judge by outward appearances?

How do these passages challenge you? What will you do?


Wednesday – Read Hebrews 4:12-13

How does God’s word judge the hearts of men?

How is His word a much more effective judge than we could ever be?

God’s word not only reveals our sin but points us to the remedy – forgiveness and cleansing through faith in Jesus.

Why is it important to do both?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read I Corinthians 11:31-32

What does it mean to “judge ourselves?”

By what standard are we to judge ourselves? See Wednesday.

How does this keep us from going astray and being condemned?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read Ephesians 4:7-16

Why is it important to speak the truth in love?

How did God show His love to us as sinners?

How can we show God’s love to the people around us?

How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Matthew 7:7-12