The Pastor’s Blog
Home Study for July 15 through 20, 2013
Home Study
Monday – Read Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 12:33-37
How does the condition of our heart impact what we say?
What does it mean that the heart is deceitful?
How do our hearts get changed? What is our part?
How do these passages challenge you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Leviticus 19:11-16
All of these laws deal with living a life of honesty and integrity.
How does living this way bring glory to God?
What has God given us to enable us to live like this?
How do these verses challenge you? What will you do?
Wednesday – Read James 3:7-11
Why can the tongue be so destructive?
Would you agree that the way to tame the tongue is to tame the heart?
How do we do that?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Ephesians 4:29-32
How would you define “unwholesome talk?”
How can we tear others down with our words?
How can we build others up with our words?
How can we grieve the Holy Spirit with our words?
What are these verses calling you to do?
Friday – Read Colossians 3:12-17
How does living like this allow us to protect and build up other people?
How do they allow us to live out the truth in love?
Why is that important?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read Matthew 5:38-48
Home Study for July 8 through 13, 2013
Monday – Read Genesis 2:18-25
Who created marriage?
Who alone then has the power to define it?
What does it mean to “become one flesh?”
How did Adam and Eve feel in their married state?
What does this say to you?
Tuesday – Read Matthew 19:1-9
What was God’s original intent for marriage?
Why did Jesus say God permitted divorce through Moses?
What was the only reason Jesus gives here to justify divorce?
How did that challenge the understanding of the Pharisees?
How does it challenge our culture’s attitude on divorce today?
Wednesday – Read I Corinthians 7:12-16
How might a believing spouse have a role in the salvation of an
unbelieving spouse and their children?
What is the believing spouse to do if the unbelieving spouse wants out
of the marriage? Why?
What are some things you can do to encourage the believers in your
life who are married to unbelievers?
Thursday – Read Malachi 2:15-16
Recognizing that marriage was created by God for the good of men and women and it is a demonstration of
the kind of relationship that He desires to have with people, does it surprise you that God hates
God has a high view and purpose of marriage, how can we best reflect that to the world around us?
Friday – Read Ephesians 5:22-33
What would be the result if a couple truly lived as we read here?
How does a couple’s relationship with Jesus help them to live as we read here?
If more believing couples lived like this how could it change our culture’s view of marriage?
Saturday – Read Matthew 5:33-37
It never ceases to amaze me how much God loves us and all of the ways, both big and small, that He reveals His love to us. Let me share one such experience I had recently.
Our daughter and her family had been on vacation and she accidently left her rings in their last motel room. She called the motel and they secured the rings and shipped them overnight to our house. The problem was someone had to sign for the package which meant that someone had to be home.
Not knowing when UPS would come, that morning I went into the church office but after a time decided it was time to take some work home and wait for the package. As I was turning into our neighborhood a UPS truck turned in right after me. Of course I began to wonder, is that truck headed to our house? That truck followed me all of the way to our driveway and I was barely out of my vehicle before receiving the package. The driver thought it was amazing timing; I told him it was definitely a “God thing.”
When I called our daughter to tell the package had arrived she was very relieved to know that her rings were now safely at our house. After talking to her I got to thinking about how amazing God’s timing was. If I had tarried while leaving the church I would have missed the delivery. If I had hit one more red light on the way home I would have missed the delivery.
God knew how much it meant to our daughter to have her rings back and He perfectly orchestrated the timing of my decision to head home and the arrival of the UPS truck to set our daughter’s mind at ease.
What a great reminder that there is nothing too big for God to handle and there is nothing too small for Him to care about. What is weighing on your heart today? Give it to Jesus and wait and watch to see how He acts to meet your need.
God’s Grace and Peace,
Friends Twin Rocks Camp Raegan Kiley and Ariel Taylor are attending Girls Camp June 30th – July 5th. Nate and Jaden Krupp will attend Boys Camp July 14th – July 19th. Please be remembering them in prayer as they experience camp for the first time.
You can go to for photos posted during the week of camp.
August 4-10, 2013 Surfside Camp pre-registered by July 19, cost is $288.For youth completing 8th-12th grades this spring.
Medford Friends T-Shirts for Sale |
Matching t-shirts can help foster a sense of team, connectedness and family, and recognizing that all three of those are worthy goals for us, the Elders have designed a Medford Friends t-shirt. The shirts are available in a variety of sizes and are just $8 each for youth small through adult XL and just $9 each for sizes above XL. To order see the display in the main hallway at MFC or contact Carla Tappero.
FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) thanks everyone who contributed to the Father’s day brownie bake sale, $140 was donated for mission’s projects.
All ladies are welcome to join us at the home of Phebe McManama, Thursday, July 18th, at 10 a.m. for the next meeting. Following the meeting there will be a potluck picnic. We will not meet in the month of August, but resume again on the 19th of Sept.
What's Up For the Youth!
Emigrant Lake Day
When: July 8th, Meet at MFC at 11 a.m. for rides
Where: Emigrant Lake Water Slides
Cost: $10 for 3hrs.
You Will Need: Sunblock & Swim gear
All junior and senior high youth are invited. If you have any other questions please contact Dave Gomez.
Bring a Friend and Join in the Fun!
When: Wednesday, July 31st
8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: Bobbio's Pizza in Central Point
Cost: $5
All junior and senior high youth are invited. If you need a ride please contact Dave Gomez.
Youth Impact Airsoft Extravaganza Saturday, July 20th 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Cost is $10
For more information and rides contact Dave Gomez.
THIRD DAY Concert – Wednesday, July 17th At Lithia Amphitheater 6 p.m.
Reserved: $40 General Admission: $22.50
It is recommended to order tickets in advance since prices will be higher on the day of the show. You can buy tickets online at or by calling 855-443-8499.
Note: Show tickets include admission to the Jackson County Fair on July 17th. Present your concert ticket at the Fair Gate for admission.
Northwest Yearly Meeting 2013 July 21-25 “The Risen Christ: Our Identity and Hope”
Online registration is open for Northwest Yearly Meeting 2013 annual sessions. The Sunday evening keynote address will be from Superintendent Becky Ankeny and the following evenings Richard Foster will be the guest speaker. To register please visit the Yearly Meeting web page at