The Pastor’s Blog
Before leaving on our recent trip to Mexico we switched to an international plan for our cell phones so we could be reached if needed. This plan would cost us $1.00 per minute for phone calls but was less expensive than renting a phone there.
Our cell service was rather spotty but one time when I was experiencing good reception I noticed that I had seven voice mails. Thinking that someone was trying to get in contact with us I called my voice mail and listened to my messages. All seven were from before we left on our trip and although I had previously listened to them, I had not cleared them, so I spent time and a few dollars listening to old messages.
That got me to thinking about how often we allow the residue of old sins, hurts and fears, messages of our old life, still grab attention in our lives. And every time we listen to them it costs us time, energy, maybe resources and certainly it can cost us peace. In John 8:36 Jesus said, “So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
When Jesus comes into our hearts, forgives our sin, heals our hurts and takes away our fear we are set free, but too often it seems like we continue to listen to those old messages and allow them to consume our time, energy, resources and peace. When those messages beckon us, instead of answering, let’s claim the freedom that Jesus purchased for us and then go forward in our lives as we seek what Jesus is saying and doing in our lives today!
In His Grace,
Home Study April 22nd to 27th, 2013
Monday- Read John 11:17-44
What was the last funeral you attended? What was it like?
Why was Jesus “angry in His spirit and deeply moved” (v.33) when He saw everyone weeping?
What does this teach us about God’s view of death? Sin?
Is there a “resurrection” that you need in your life right now?
Tuesday- Read Luke 8:35 & Acts 22:3
Take time today to sit at Jesus’s feet.
What can be learned about humility?
How does this passage challenge you?
Wednesday- Psalms 16:5, 27:4, 73:26,119:57,142:5
Today write Psalms 73:26 on a 3×5 card or in a journal and memorize these verses. You can do it!
Make Jesus your Portion today.
Thursday- John 12:1-3
What is the significance of Anointing?
What was Martha doing in this passage?
What was Mary doing in this passage?
Who do you identify with in this passage? Why?
Friday- John 11:1-16
How does Jesus demonstrate his power?
How have they stood by you in the battles of life?
What strategies are you using in your life to pursue God’s destiny?
Saturday- Read Exodus 19:1-25
Home Study for April 15 through 20, 2013
Monday – Read II Corinthians 5:1-10
How can we live to please God?
What does it mean to “live by faith, not by sight?”
What challenges do we face to do that?
What blessing do we receive by doing that?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Deuteronomy 10:12-13
How can we walk in all the ways of the Lord?
How is this a demonstration of living by faith?
How are God’s commands for our own good?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Romans 1:16-17
How do we receive a righteousness by faith?
What does that mean?
What does a life lived by faith look like?
What is God saying to you?
How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Hebrews 12:1-3
Why do we need to “throw off the sin that so easily entangles?”
On whom do we need to keep our eyes fixed?
Why is this important?
What will you do to keep your eyes fixed more completely on Jesus?
Friday – Read Psalm 25:10-15
How does living in the Lord’s instruction protect us?
How does keeping our eyes fixed on Him protect us from the snares of life?
What can you do, how can you live, to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord?
How does this passage challenge you?
What will you do?
Saturday – Read Luke 10:38-42
Home Study for April 8 through 13, 2013
Monday – Read Psalm 103:1-5
David begins this Psalm with praise. What benefits does he list for those who know God?
Which of these benefits speaks most to your life today?
Take time to praise God and ask Him to fill your life with the benefits listed in these verses.
Tuesday – Read Proverbs 19:20-21
Whose advice and instruction will lead us to wisdom?
How can we be sure that our plans and the Lord’s purpose are the same?
Why is this important?
Take time to seek God’s will and plan for your life.
Wednesday – Read Matthew 6:19-24
Why does earthly treasure not last?
How do we store up treasure in heaven?
Why can we not serve two masters?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Joshua 24:14-15
What are some false gods that we allow to come between us and Jesus?
How does that happen?
Why is it important to choose each day to serve the Lord?
Take time to commit yourself totally to Him.
Friday – Read Colossians 3:23-24
No matter what we are doing, who are we serving?
How does this challenge you?
How does this encourage you?
What will you do?
Saturday – Read Matthew 14:22-36