The Pastor’s Blog
Youth Group Event
Upcoming event for Jr. and Sr. High Students
Spartans Hockey game, Sunday, January 12th at The Rrrink
$6 w/ Student ID. Meet at MFC @ 1p.m. for a ride.
For More information contact Dave Gomez.
1349 Center Drive
Medford, Or.
Thank You from the Staff
Thank you for all of the cards, gifts and the cash gifts shared with us throughout the Christmas season. It is a joy to worship and serve Jesus with all of you, our church family!
The Burton, Gomez, Wilson and Garrett Families
Blanket and Sleeping Bag Drive
We are collecting gently used or new blankets and sleeping bags to be given to a number of ministries in the valley. There is a collection box in the main hallway for your donations. Thank you to those who have already given to this ministry.
Wednesday Night Activities Resume January 9, 2013
Simple Meal will be at 6 p.m. Come & share the food, fellowship & God’s word.
At 7 p.m. Wednesday Night Kids meets downstairs in room #5. The youth meet for worship, study and small groups in Ross Chapel. The adult study meets in the fellowship hall classroom and is studying the Holy Spirit.
Ladies Meetings:
Friends Women
All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet at 7 p.m. on January 15th, the meeting will be at the home of Ann Loar. Patsy Burton is co-hostess.
FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship)
Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and the people to whom they minister. All ladies are welcome to join us at the home of Donnalee Archibald, Thursday, January 17th, at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
All Church Potluck – Sunday, January 20th
Please join for a time of fellowship after the Sunday School hour in the fellowship hall. Bring your favorite main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Upcoming event for Jr. and Sr. High Students
Spartans Hockey game, Friday, January 11th at The Rrrink
$6 w/ Student ID. Meet at MFC @ 7p.m. for a ride.
For More information contact Dave Gomez.
Girl’s Nite in the Word: Takes place at Community Bible Church, 500 N. 10th Street, in C.P. They meet upstairs in the youth room at 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. January 13th’s topic is “Toxic Relationships.”
2012 Financial Report Update
Due to some extremely generous end of the year giving our financial report has changed significantly since being published in the January Touchstone, showing a deficit of $9,476.84. The new report is as follows:
December 2012 Jan. – Dec. 2012
Income $35,379.82 $220,457.53
Expenses 17,506.84 219,783.37
Difference 17,872.98 674.16
As you may recall, our budget deficit was $17,270 at the end of November and we praise the Lord for His moving and generous provision to eradicate that deficit and to meet our needs so that we are free to continue sharing the truth and love of Jesus in our community and beyond. We are also thankful to everyone who gives and shares as you are able so that together we are able to fulfill God’s plan for us as His church.
Christmas 2012 is over. The presents are put away, the goodies have been eaten, thank you notes are written, the outside lights, decorations and tree have been taken down and everything has been packed away until next year. The one thing we don’t want to pack away until next year is the meaning of Christmas.
It never ceases to amaze me that during the Christmas season people become friendlier (except maybe in parking lots), are more open, more helpful, more giving and more caring. These are all attitudes and qualities that I hope we don’t pack away with our other Christmas decorations because they speak to the essence of what God desires for His people as we live for Him through faith in Jesus.
In Micah 6:8 we read, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” To live in justice, treating people fairly. To love mercy, and not just for ourselves, but to show mercy to others in the same measure, or even greater, than we have received ourselves. To walk humbly with God, living as God leads and directs in our lives, following the example of Jesus and putting the needs of others ahead of our own. Doesn’t that sound even better than our best Christmas behavior?
I may be a dreamer, but think about the impact that the church of Jesus Christ could have on the world if we chose to live like that 24/7, 12 months out of the year; showing people that being a Christian isn’t about following a religion but living in a personal relationship with the living God. Demonstrating to the world that Jesus loves them, died and rose from the dead so that they may experience forgiveness and life. Showing that life with Jesus isn’t missing out on the “fun” of the world but living in the joy of the Lord!
This year, let’s keep the Spirit of Christmas alive throughout the year and allow Jesus to work in and through us to show the world what it really means to live for Him.
Living in the Joy of the Lord,
Home Study for January 7 through 12, 2013
Monday – Read I Corinthians 13:1-8
What is the value of our actions if we don’t have love?
When you look at the actions of love in verses 4-8, how do they apply to giving to people in need?
Think of a time when you gave but not in love, how did you feel?
How was that different than when you gave in love?
Which will you choose to do in the future? How can you do it?
Tuesday – Read II Corinthians 8:1-9
For what is Paul commending the believers in Macedonia?
How did he describe their earthly financial condition?
How could they give so generously?
How does this passage challenge you?
Wednesday – Read Galatians 2:6-10
According to verse 10, what were Paul and Barnabas asked to do as they took the gospel to the Gentiles?
Who asked them?
Why do you suppose they were asked to do that?
Why do you suppose they were eager to do it?
What does this say to you? What will you do?
Thursday – Read Matthew 6:1-4
Notice that Jesus said, “So when you give to the needy,” not if you give to the needy. What does that say to you?
Out of the resources God has entrusted to you, what might you do to have more to share with the needy and poor?
How does this challenge you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read Matthew 25:31-46
According to this parable, how important is it to Jesus for His people to share with the poor and those in need?
How hard is it to do most of the things Jesus mentions here?
What are some things you could begin doing this week?
Who might you visit, how might you help?
Saturday – Read Nehemiah 6:1-19