The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study for December 3 through 10, 2012

Monday – Read John 15:18-27
Why should we not be surprised when we face persecution or attack?
How does knowing this help us to respond to the attacks we face?
How does this knowledge encourage you in whatever you’re facing?

Tuesday – Read Matthew 5:43-48
How does Jesus call us to respond to our enemies?
How did He demonstrate this for us? See Luke 23:34.
What does loving and praying for our enemies say about our relationship with Jesus?
Who do you need to love and pray for?

Wednesday – Read Ephesians 6:10-18
What do we learn here about the opposition we face?
Why is it important to understand this?
How do we overcome this opposition?
A good practice is to pray through these verses each morning to prayerfully put on God’s armor for the day.

Thursday – Read I Peter 5:5-11
Satan is the one enemy we are not to love nor pray for because it won’t do any good. His rejection of God was complete and he sealed his eternal fate by his own choice and actions.
How is Satan described here? How does this help us to understand his actics and how to resist him through
What does God promise to do after we’ve suffered?
How does this passage encourage you?

Friday – Read Hebrews 12:1-3
What advice do these verses give us about standing against opposition?
What encouragement do you find in knowing that others before you have overcome the same discouragement?
How does keeping our eyes on Jesus help us to overcome?
What do you need to do to overcome discouragement today?

Saturday – Read Nehemiah 4:7-23


Christmas Program – December 16th  at 11 a.m.

The theme of our program this year is favorite Christmas traditions. The Sunday bulletins on December 2 and 9 will have an insert so that you can share with us your favorite Christmas tradition. Just write it out on the insert and then place it in the offering or the box in the foyer and we will include your response in our program. Also, we still have room for anyone who would like to share a musical or instrumental number or special reading. If you would like share in this way please contact Pastor Mark or Lena Anderson.

There will be a fellowship time after the program so please bring your favorite finger food to share.



Christmas Eve Service

Please join us in the sanctuary Monday, December 24th at 5 p.m. for our traditional “Come As You Are Family Celebration.”


Breakfast and Decorating for Christmas at MFC – Saturday, December 1st, at 8 a.m. Join us for a great time of fellowship as we decorate for the Christmas season.


Annual Ladies Ornament Exchange

All ladies are invited to a time of fellowship and celebration of Christmas on Friday, December 7th at 6:30 p.m. Bring one wrapped ornament each and finger foods to share. We will sing Christmas carols, hear the Christmas story, and have fun as we exchange our ornaments!


Sharing the Love of Jesus at Christmas

The Gift Tree is decorated with tags that will provide a little help for families in need this holiday season!  Simply claim a tag and check it out on the information sheet hanging near the tree. Gifts need to be returned by December 19th. Tags will have information about gender, age and size. Suggested price range is $25. The gifts should be wrapped and identified with the tree tag when returned. If you would like to help a child, but can’t (or don’t like to) shop – we have Friends willing to brave the crowds for you. See Earlene Schlosser or call her at 541-890-6218 if you have questions.


Friends Women Missionary Fellowship will not meet for business in December. The next meeting will be January 17th at the home of Donnalee Archibald weather permitting. If you would like to attend but need a ride contact Phebe McManama.

FWMF says Thank You so very much for all the ways you partnered with us in our annual bazaar efforts, Nov. 17th, to raise funds for global outreach ministries. You were faithful in helping behind the scenes, providing encouragement, items to sell, preparing coffee & lunch & cleanup. The Lord blessed the day in fellowship and financially to date, when all proceeds are accounted for we anticipate clearing $1,200. YOU ARE APPRECIATED, thank you for demonstrating the body of Christ at work.


Christmas Program – December 16th  at 11 a.m.

The theme of our program this year is favorite Christmas traditions. The Sunday bulletins on December 2 and 9 will have an insert so that you can share with us your favorite Christmas tradition. Just write it out on the insert and then place it in the offering or the box in the foyer and we will include your response in our program. Also, we still have room for anyone who would like to share a musical or instrumental number or special reading. If you would like share in this way please contact Pastor Mark or Lena Anderson.


Youth Group Winter Retreat – December 15 – 17, 2012  for Jr. and Sr. High Students

A time for Getting into the Word and Fun! We will be Sledding/Tubing and Ice Skating and other Activities. Please sign up in Ross Chapel.


          New Year’s Eve Bash at Community Bible Church in C.P.  –  December 31st, 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. For Jr. High and High School

          Cost is $5. Meet at MFC at 7 p.m. for a ride. Sign up in Ross Chapel. If you have any questions, contact Dave Gomez.


White Elephant Gift Exchange – The date has been changed to:  Monday, December 31st, at 6 p.m.

Join us in the fellowship hall for a fun time!  Bring finger foods to share and a wrapped white elephant gift for the exchange game!


Coming in January 2013Blanket and Sleeping Bag Drive

Beginning January 1, 2013, we will begin collecting gently used or new blankets and sleeping bags to be given to a number of ministries in the valley. Be looking now for what you might give.


We just completed Black Friday, which really began on Thursday, and Cyber Monday, which really ran all weekend. If we had gone to stores on Black Friday or posted a survey online on Cyber Monday and asked people why they celebrated Christmas I suspect we would receive a variety of answers.

Some would say that Christmas is a time of giving while others would say it’s a time of receiving. Some would say it’s a time of love and others would say it’s all about family. And of course, many would say that it’s all about getting the best deal possible.

All of these answers speak to an element of the true meaning of Christmas, but which answer do you think comes the closest to God’s perspective about Christmas? You may be surprised, but it’s the one that says Christmas is a time of receiving.

Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” And in Matthew 1:21, regarding Jesus’ impending birth we read, “She (Mary) will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

Because of His immeasurable love for us, God came to earth in human flesh as Jesus, what we call the Incarnation, to pay the price for our sin so that as we receive Jesus into our hearts we may also receive the incredible gifts of forgiveness and eternal life that He offers to all who accept Him.

As we celebrate this Christmas season, in all that we do let’s focus on the true reason for the joy and celebration of the season; God has given us the most wondrous gift of all, Jesus, who freely gives us eternal life through faith in Him. What better gift could we ever receive?

                                    With Thanksgiving,



Home Study for November 26 through December 1, 2012

Monday – Read Matthew 28:16-20

By whose power and authority do we serve Jesus?

How is that different than trying to serve in our own?

What does Jesus mean to when He says we are to go?”

To whom is Jesus calling you to go?


Tuesday – Read Acts 1:1-11

What did Jesus want to give the believers before they went out to serve Him?

Why was that important?

Is it still important for us today? Why? What should we do?


Wednesday – Read Acts 8:1-8

Even though the believers weren’t sent out by their own choice how did God use them?

How does what happened here fit with John 14:12?

What does Jesus want to do through us in these days?

What keeps this from happening?


Thursday – Read Acts 8:26-40

Where did Philip encounter the Ethiopian official?

Who led Philip to this man (see verse 29)?

Do you think this man had ever entered a Christian church to get his question answered?

How is this official like many people in our community today?

How might Jesus work through us to reach those people?


Friday – Read Romans 12:1-8

How can we know God’s will?

Why is it important to think of ourselves with sober judgment in accordance with the faith God has given us?

Why is it important to realize that each member of the body of Christ belongs to all the others (verse 5)?

What responsibility does that place upon each of us?

How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read Nehemiah 4:1-9