The Pastor’s Blog

Notes, news, information, lessons, and updates from the Pastor’s desk and others.

Home Study for October 15 through 20, 2012


Monday – Read Matthew 28:16-20

What changed the disciples’ doubt to confidence and action?

In whose power were they, and are we, called to serve?

What confidence and hope does it give you to know that Jesus is with us always?

What does this inspire you to do for Him?


Tuesday – Read John 14:1-13

What promises does Jesus make to us here?

What do we need to do to allow these promises to be a reality in our lives?

What does Jesus want to do through you?

What will you do?


Wednesday – Read John 17:20-26

What does Jesus pray for us here?

Why doesn’t He pray for God to take us out of the world?

What id Jesus’ plan for our lives on earth and in eternity?

What can you do to better partner with Him in that plan?


Thursday – Read Romans 8:28-39

As we walk with Jesus, in what kinds of situations are we more than conquerors?

What does it take for us to live in that kind of victory?

How complete is God’s love for you?

What does this mean to you?

How can you live more fully in His love and power?


Friday- Read Hebrews 13:1-8

What does God call us to do in these verses?

What does He promise us?

How does knowing that God will never leave nor forsake us empower us to do what He calls us to here?

What can you do to better live in the reality of God’s presence in your life?

What is God saying to you? How will you respond?


Saturday – Read John 20:24-31





Home Study for October 8 through 13, 2012

Monday – Read I Corinthians 12:1-13

What should be the defining character quality of believers?

What good are our good works without it?

Why does God give us such a clear definition of love?

Why is love the greatest?

What is God saying to you? How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read Luke 6:43-45

Why are our words so powerful? Why is this especially true in the context of marriage and family?

If we don’t like the words we hear coming out of our mouths what should we be examining?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read James 3:13-18

From where/who do we get true wisdom and understanding?

What kind of fruit should God’s wisdom produce in us?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read James 4:1-10

What causes fights and quarrels?

What can we do to break the cycle?

How do love and respect help us to communicate more effectively?

Why does humbling ourselves before the Lord also improve the quality of our lives and relationships?

What is God saying to you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read I Peter 4:7-11

How does this passage apply to the relationship of marriage?

How does it apply to our other relationships?

How is the love shown by believers a witness to Jesus in our lives?

How can we be sure that we’re speaking and serving as God desires?

What is God saying to you? How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Matthew 3:13-17


The Heatalator Workshop that was held Tuesday, October 2nd,  was a huge success, 21 heatalators were assembled! Thank you, to everyone who came out to help put together the heatalators. The Salvation Army will partner with us to distribute them to those in need.




Birthday Celebration for Phyllis Schroeder

October 6, 2012

at Medford Friends Church

You are invited to join in the celebration of

Phyllis Schroeder’s 90th birthday

and her sister in law,

Ruth England’s 80th birthday.

The celebration will take place at MFC

on Saturday, October 6th at 2 p.m.

  * Please no gifts other than your presence.



MFC Celebrating 70 Years with an All Church Potluck Sunday, October 14th    

You are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and a meal at noon, following the Sunday School & Bible Study hour. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish, and a salad, vegetable, enough to feed eight people. A birthday cake will be provided for dessert.



Ladies Meetings for October

FWMF Meeting –Thursday, October 18th

All ladies are welcome to join us at the home of Phebe McManama, Thursday, October 18th at 10 a.m. A luncheon follows our meeting.


Ladies Fellowship Meeting – Tuesday, October 16th

All ladies are invited and welcome to join us at Glenda Workman’s for sharing & caring fellowship at 7 p.m.



Harvest Carnival

at Howard Elementary Gym

For Our Local Neighborhood

Sunday, October 28, 2012

3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

It’s Back…come dressed in costume for a fun-filled evening with lots of kids! Use your imagination, but remember to refrain from gory or scary costumes please!

The carnival will be inside the gym and we’ll meet at the school for pizza and set-up at 1:30 p.m.

Your donations of bags of individually wrapped candy are welcome and can be brought to the church at any time. Donations of store bought cupcakes can be brought in the week or day of the event. Helper sign-up sheets are by the coffee window.



 FWMF Annual Bazaar with Soup & Pie Luncheon

Mark Your Calendars

Saturday, November 17th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The FWMF sponsored baked goods/crafts and miscellaneous annual bazaar is the primary source of funds for supporting the Friends Women’s Yearly Meeting missions projects and selected local area outreach ministries.

The Yearly Meeting projects are selected in cooperation with the Board of Global Outreach; the overall goal this year is $5,700. Our Medford WMF pledge is based on the bazaar income. The specific projects are posted on the Friends Women bulletin board in the main hall.

You are invited to partner with the ladies by providing items such as baked goods, pies and candies of all kinds and hand crafted items. General categories include personal items, kitchen, bath, general home décor, yard and garden, baby & kids. There is also a “Country Store” for quality used or never used items (no clothing, please.)

If you have questions or would like to assist with the bazaar contact Nadine Brood or Donnalee Archibald. Watch the Sunday bulletin and FW bulletin board for further details.



Operation Christmas Child 2012 The Power of a Simple Gift!

Touch the heart of a needy child this Christmas with a gift-filled shoe box and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pre-Printed Boxes and Information about the shoe box gifts are located in the main hallway. Boxes need to be returned to the church by Wednesday November 14th, 2012. Be sure to include a donation of $7.00 per box to cover the shipping costs.

Please pray that God will touch the heart of every child who receives a shoe box gift!


Happy Birthday Medford Friends Church!

On Sunday, October 14, 2012, we will celebrate our 70th birthday as a church, worshipping and serving Jesus in our community. Medford Friends Church began out of a vision of Friends in Salem, Oregon, who recognized the value of planting a new Friends Church in Medford. Our founding pastor, Milo Ross, had that same vision as he moved his family to Medford to begin the work of starting a new church.

The church held its first worship service on October 18, 1942, in the Ross home on the eastside of Medford. When the church was told they couldn’t build a bigger facility on the land they owned they took out an ad in the newspaper announcing they were a church without a neighborhood and if there was a neighborhood without a church let’s talk.

In February 1945, worship services were moved to Howard Elementary until the brick chapel was completed on our present site. As the years progressed the classroom section of the building was added, followed by the current sanctuary and fellowship hall, with numerous remodeling projects to follow, including the total overhaul of the middle section on the building beginning in 2002.

Throughout our 70 years, Medford Friends Church has been a loving body of believers filled with amazing people, and that includes you, who have sought to share the love and truth of Jesus with our families, friends, neighborhood, community and the world. That is still true today and although times, methods and ministries have changed, one thing has remained the same; we exist to worship, serve and glorify Jesus. 

I am thankful for every person who has been and those who currently are part of the family of believers who are called Medford Friends Church. As we serve Jesus together, exercising the spiritual gifts and abilities the Holy Spirit has given us and sharing the resources God has entrusted to us, we grow in faith and in the knowledge of Jesus, enabling us to serve in love and bring glory to God.

As we celebrate our 70th birthday, may we commit ourselves to another 70 years of loving, fruitful ministry in the love, truth and power of Jesus Christ!

                                               In Christ,
