The Pastor’s Blog
Home Study for August 20 through 25, 2012
Monday – Read Matthew 4:1-11
How did Jesus know when and where He was supposed to go?
In His humanness, if it had been up to Him, do you think Jesus might have wanted to skip this episode in His life?
How did Jesus defeat Satan’s temptations?
What does this teach us about living under the leading of the Holy Spirit and in the power of His word?
Tuesday – Read I Corinthians 2:6-12
From whom is God’s wisdom hidden? Why?
To whom is God’s wisdom revealed? By whom?
What does it mean that we have the mind of Christ?
What does that mean for us?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Psalm 119:97-104
What does God’s word give us?
What must we do to receive all of those benefits?
Why did the psalmist compare God’s word to honey?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read II Corinthians 2:12-17
How does Paul describe the outcome of God’s leading in verse 14?
To what does he compare the ways that God works in our lives?
How can any of us be equal to the works that God has for us?
What does God want to accomplish through our lives?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?
Friday – Read John 2:1-11
Why was God’s timing so important to Jesus?
What happens when we step out of God’s timing, either running ahead or lagging behind?
How can we know and stay in step with God’s timing?
What is God saying to you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read Ephesians 5:15-18
This week I went to Surfside camp at Twin Rocks and the big thing we looked at overall that week was passions and how passions can help us get closer to God, and how some passions may distance us from God. For example, let's say you have a passion for music and you play on your church's worship team, or you play a sport and you use that sport to get closer to God through prayer. Those are good passions that help us get closer to God! But let's say you have a passion for drugs, or a passion for facebook and twitter and you can't go one second without it… and you are constantly doing these things sooo much that you kind of put God on the back burner and your passion has nothing to do with God. That is an example of a bad passion. Now I am not saying that those are the only passions out there in the world… there are soo many other things to be passionant about! But for a moment, think about your passion or something that consumes a lot of your day….now think…. is this passion helping me grow closer to God, or is this passion standing inbetween God and me? If your passion is helping you stay close to God… then great! Keep it up! But some of us have a passion that is distancing us from God, and that isn't what God wants from us. Maybe your passion isn't nessicarily bad, but it is not helping you grow closer to God… if that is the case, maybe the problem is that your just spending too much time with that passion. Like me! Before i went to camp, I was constantly thinking about this new band I found out about and every waking moment i was listening to their music and watching videos of this band on youtube and I just couldn't get enough of this band. Now is that a bad passion? Not really.. I was just spending too much time thinking about this band when i could've been thinking about God and praying to him or reading my bible. Maybe your passion is bad… maybe your passion is drugs, alcohal, porn, something that could harm you or you know is not right, but you still do it anyway…. Those passions are very hard to overcome… and i am not gonna sit here and tell you how to overcome this, because i am no expert on how to overcome those types of things. But what i will say is that God loves you very much and has soo much more things instore for you than what you are involved with right now. Anyway, this week at camp may not have helped me grow spiritually, but it has helped me get back on track with God, and now I feel more passionant for God than I have for a while. I hope your having a great summer!!! =D
Home Study – August 13 through 18, 2012
Monday – Read John 16:33
Why do you think that Jesus gave His disciples (us) this warning?
What promise do we find here in our troubles?
How can you more fully trust Jesus in the problems you face?
Trust your problems to Him now.
Tuesday – Read James 1:2-8
Why does God allow us to face trials and troubles?
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), how would you rate your faith?
What can you do, or what do you see God doing, to grow your faith in these days?
Wednesday – Read Matthew 28:16-20
What are we supposed to do until Jesus returns?
How might this create trials and difficulties in our lives?
Who is with us to accomplish this work?
What confidence does this give you?
What can you do to share Jesus with someone this week?
Thursday – Read Acts 4:1-22
What did the religious leaders notice about Peter and John?
By who power did they live, heal and speak?
How was God glorified through the troubles they faced?
How may God be glorified by the troubles you are facing?
Friday – Read Psalm 143:7-10
How do you suppose David was feeling when he wrote this psalm?
In what ways did he ask God to work in his situation?
Pray these verses as your prayer today.
Saturday – Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Home Study August 6 through 11, 2012
Monday – Read Jeremiah 17:5-8
What happens to those who trust in human strength?
How does God work in the lives of those who trust in Him?
What fruit does God want to produce in and through you in these days as you trust in Him?
Tuesday – Read John 14:12-13 and 25-27
What does Jesus want to do through our lives?
Who has God given us to teach us the things we need to know?
What does He teach us?
What do we experience when we learn and follow?
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Philippians 4:12-13
Who did Paul find to be his source of strength in any and every situation?
What can you do to make this promise true for you?
Thursday – Read II Corinthians 12:7-10
Why did Paul say that he experienced hard times and suffering?
Why didn’t God relieve him of his pain?
What value is there in our weaknesses?
Why can God’s power be seen all the more when He works though our weaknesses?
What has God been calling you to do? How will you do it?
Friday – Read John 21:1-14
As fishermen, the disciples knew what they were doing. How did they end up getting such a substantial catch?
How can Jesus magnify the results of what you know how to do?
What has Jesus been saying to you? What will you do?
Saturday – Read Daniel 3:1-30